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Who says birds don't have feelings?


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So sad... The love between the two... I always also ways thought animals have feelings. I know for sure my yorkie does for when I get upset over something she seems to try and make me feel better and if i am sick she acts sick and will always lick my face I feel like its a comfort licks.

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Oh that broke my heart! Swallows are such intelligent birds, we have a swallows nest on our house and although all my friends say I should wash it away with a hose because they make such a mess down the side of the house with the poo, I could not even think about it. The same pair return every year to raise another clutch of eggs and I love hearing the babies when the parents return with food, it is one of the best sounds of spring to me. When a baby falls from it's nest, the parents still tend to it and bring it food and care for it on the ground. The important thing with baby swallows is to never remove them from where they have fallen as the parents do know where they are and they are still being cared for and often go onto being adult birds.

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  • 3 weeks later...

These are very touching photos, thanks for posting Dan. GoDiego is right about ther swallows returning to care and guard over the babies that fall from the nest. We had swallows in our barn, my sister touched one of the babies on the ground when she was about nine years old. She just put it back into a nest in the barn but the adult birds went after her. A group of them swarmed and pecked at her long after she had gone away from the barn. After that, every time she came out of the house that summer they would swoop down and try to chase her back in. She had to take to wearing a helmet and goggles to go outside. It was carried to the point of comedy, but those birds meant business and we learned to never ever touch a baby bird even if it looked as if it needed a rescue.

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