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What a Day!!!!


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Gosh what a day I've had with senor Diego! OK, over the last few days he has had me running after him getting into things he shouldn't. But today, I have not stopped! He's now all tucked up in his cage for bed and I have to admit, I'm looking forward to having a sit down with a glass of wine.


I'm giving him loads of distraction toys and he can now chomp through a string of macaroni pasta in 2 minutes flat, so am now searching the web for some more home made toy ideas that he can destroy. I've been giving him foraging toys, but at the moment he is just interested in the ones he can completely destroy but not really interested in what is inside of them.


Is this normal for them to go through this stage at 6 months?

Also does it pass?


If not, then no problem I will just mentally prepare myself and stock up with more wine! :P

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Do you think that will help? And how is diego doing with the children?


Are you meaning the wine? Unfortunately it probably won't as gone were the days where I could drink more than 1 glass and not have a headache. 2 Glasses now and I get a hangover the next day, I've turned into a lightweight. LOL


Although it has only been a couple of days, he does seem to be tolerating them more now. He's enjoying the treats from them and so now does not growl at them when they approach him. He still won't let them touch them, but then the boys are not too keen to do this yet either as they are also building their trust with him again. He did step up onto my eldest's arm yesterday for a treat and was quite happy to sit there. I'm just going to keep going with what I have been doing and hopefully it will keep improving.


I have notice that Louie is a real chewer of wood. Wooden toys that Ana Grey and Sully have ignored are now in use by Louie, hooray!


Diego also loves to chew everything and anything. I bought recently a bird Tiki hut which he loves to shread the roof off and he also loves wooden pegs without the metal spring inside as chewable foot toys.

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Love those Zon's.. Some good toy's are, cardboard box's,[empty Kleenex etc] cash register rolls, empty ink pen's, cartridge removed, souffle cups with a small treat in them....Popsicle sticks, safe rope and leather strips tied into knots and the likes, this goe's on forever...lol


Quote: the boys are not too keen to do this yet Unquote: Remember, Diego can sense their apprehension.. Your boy's and you are doing great......

Edited by Jayd
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empty ink pen's, cartridge removed


Deigo loves these, problem is he keeps trying to steal our real ones when we are writing a note.


Remember, Diego can sense their apprehension..


I had kinda thought this may be the case, it will take some time but as we say here in Spain Poco, Poco (Little by little).

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