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Amazons and Flying


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Okay, Diego has come up with an interesting observation. One I think needs more discussion from some Amazon owners.


Do those of you with Amazons, find that they prefer to fly in straight lines rather than twists and turns like our greys do?


I haven't found this, but Nilah is still learning and not as fluent as my greys yet. She twists and changes direction in mid flight to land where she chooses. I would be curious to know what others find in their homes. :cool:

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My grey Corky can hit a fast moving target and land with no trouble

When Cricket my blue fronted zon came to us 20 months ago she was very over weight on an all seed diet was in a cage that was 16 x16x 24 and she could not fly.

She has lost weight and is 400 grms. She can now fly but would rather climb and walk. She will fly in a circle in short hops and is getting better.

Maby not the best example

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Great topic Penny!!!! I have only had my Louie, BFA, for a week and he has just began to come out of his cage. I am told he has never been clipped. Louie has not yet flown in the bird room, it is the only room he has been in yet, but he has hovered for a second or three then landed. I anticipate every Amazon owners comments as I would love to hear what to expect from Louie. As for Ana Grey, she turns corners, hovers and is a down right sexy little acrobat in her flights!

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Wonderful question. A Zon, in his natural habitat, is more like a monkey than a bird, their limb hoppers, even in the wild they tend to be overweight. Their known to fly from point to point in short hops and in a basic straight line except for landing. Again, in the wild their interest lies in playing and eating. A lot of Zon's make their homes near villages, where they can feast on the left overs, even learn to speak the language of the villagers. Captive Zons carry over these traits to a greater degree, knowing, why fly when I have some one to serve me... So, climbing, flying only when necessary and on a direct route is the order of the day, we have found this to be true in most Zon's we've worked with or raised.....Jayd

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Great idea to make a thread about this :)


Diego tends to only fly when there is something well worth a flight for. If I am sat on the sofa and he wants to join me, he will sit on his perch saying Hola for up to 10 minutes before he decides to fly to me. I've really been trying to promote his flying downstairs in our very large basement, but this is really hit and miss to whether he wants to play ball or not. When he does fly, he tends to fly low and straight, he does make some loops but they tend to be large rather than tight and only when he wants to land. Although I think he is beautiful when he flies, he's not the most elegant LOL.


knowing, why fly when I have some one to serve me...


I'm sure Diego's next word is going to be Taxi! as I am his personal chauffeur. LOL

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Jay and Diego, I have to agree with you both. Nilah seems to fly only as a last resort. She would rather climb, yell "BIRD!" when looking for me..then when I won't come get her, she finally decides to fly and find me. My greys don't bother calling. they just take off flying elegantly around the house until they hear a noise that might be me, then they are off and they ALWAYS find me!! Meanwhile, Nilah is still screaming "BIIIRRDDD!!!"""""

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, this is normal, Zon's are "Limb Hopper", and fly only in a straight line..Always keep a close watch on their weight, they should have a little cleavage, when you press their breast with you finger it shouldn't be to soft.. Suggestion, unlike a Grey you can be more forward with a Zon, be a little more demanding with Louie, a little more forceful, tell him you want to hold him, pick him up, he'll squawk and try to pinch you, say sternly, "I don't like that", as long as there not hurt, [which you'd never do] this won't disturbe the trust you have built. Jayd

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Louie is a clumsy flyer, he goes up, hovers and crash lands. Is this normal???


This sounds just like Diego. When Diego does manage to do a fairly elegant landing without overshooting, he almost looks shocked that he has done it. At the moment Diego has a zig zag flight path around the room - Cage to Table, Table to playgym, playgym to sofa and then he will follow the same path back again to his cage. We have very long curtains which cover most of one of the living room walls, Diego actually prefers to scale and climb on these to get across then to fly.


be a little more demanding with Louie, a little more forceful, tell him you want to hold him, pick him up, he'll squawk and try to pinch you, say sternly, "I don't like that",


This is so true, when I first had Diego I was so worried about forcing myself on him that it was actually me holding the bonding process back. It was actually me who needed to build the trust in him, rather than the other way around. Amazons are quite strong emotionally.

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How do they survive in the wilds then, if they can't really fly!!!

The are short distances flier's, and very adept at flying in the bush.

Amazon group in large flock, they don't travel the many miles in search of food as Grey's do,more in feet, they scurry from branch to branch, limb to limb under the cover of leaves, they also like to live by natives, who they learn there language and become "Group Pet's", the coloring is also a main safety factor, try holding a large branch of green leaves above your Zon, they really blend in...A Grey, being a ground forager is the same, when the flock is on the ground, they blend in with the dirt and clay, being almost the same color, and are hardly noticed from above.....Thanks Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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This is all great info!!


An update on Nilah...her flying is incredible. She has yet to venture to fly upstairs, but she can fly all over the house and change directions. Sometimes she's headed somewhere, and you can see her change her mind as to where she is going to land, she hesitates with a hover, then she turns and off she goes. I am quite impressed with how fast she has learned to fly never having the opportunity to do it before. When Rikki first learned, she had never flown and it took her a good year to master it, Nilah has it down perfectly!! Try cooking dinner with 3 birds flying and fighting over my shoulder....:(


Yesterday, she was flying thru the downstairs looking for me and yelling "BIIIIRRRRD!!!!!"...... as she was flying! Now that takes talent!! signed, her proud momma bird...:)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm so glad I found this thread. Morgan has taken to flying and so far his aim is improving daily. He goes from his cage to the rope door and iis now actually landing it rather than runnning into it to stop. He doesn't seem as graceful as Dixie, but he's just as strong. He may be flying for me since he's seen the others fly to the rope door to play. He has also flown to the play stand and once to his cage but these were more like running into them rather than landings. Thanks again for the info.

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Diego is now nearly 8 months and his flying has really improved over the last month. He even impressed me the other day when he flew to me decided against it, hovered then flew back to his perch again. A month ago, he would never have hovered but kept going until he found a good resting spot. He still prefers to be carried around or climbs the furniture to get to places but he is definitely gaining much more confidence with his flying abilities. :)

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