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new carpet and my Mojo


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Hey all, i am getting new carpet and linolium in my place on tuesday. I do have a neighbor that is going to take mojo in for a bit while it airs out. my ? is this....How long do i need to air out my place?


I do not have any option as to the carpet, my landlord ordered it and it is needed very badly. i am not going to put my mojo at risk, but i only have a couple of weeks for mojo at the neighbors. is this going to be enough time for it to be safe?


do i have to even wait that long.....BTW..... He said his first words!!


give me a kiss! followed up with a loud puckering sound! he is about 11 months old.

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Nevermind... I went to another forum to get my answer... They actually responded!


Very sorry but things like this can happen, I was handling a couple of emergency's personally. I hope you realize that it wasn't personal, and will give us another chance.

In answer to your question, After the smell is gone you need to wait 2 extra days, don't run the air conditioner or heater, put fans in the room, facing out a window to extract the vapor, don't spill water or other liquids. Watch your bird for signs of shaking his head, falling, poop, and vomiting. Theirs no records of how long or if brain/lung/air-sac damage can occur. Once again, sorry...Jayd

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I'd wait as long as possible, but of course there is a risk of the bird wondering if it has been abandoned to a new home/person. But, not knowing what part of the world you are living in, and not knowing if you can leave the windows open for the next few months, well, I'd be very careful. I know of a man whose two birds passed away shortly after he got new carpeting and this was with his birds living outside for two weeks and then bringing them inside and the windows open.


He didn't have his birds necropsied so the cause of death was never determined and therefore the new carpet/death could have been a coincidence, but the birds were in apparent good health. Anyway, not wanting to frighten you but please do be very careful.


Also, sorry no one answered - it really was probably due to the long holiday weekend as so many of the members are in the USA.


Oh, a big congrats on your baby saying his first words - and what darling words they are!

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  • 1 month later...

update. i dont have internet connection as i used too, so i have not been online alot. however, i did not take it too personal that i had no response, i just figured that no one had experienced this before.


Mojo stayed at the neighbors for about 3 weeks. i did visit him every day and he already knows the nieghbors rather well. he did fine! the place aired out and he has been home for a bit with no ill side effects. i was rather worried, but all is normal for him once agian!

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Well glad to hear it all went well and the birds stayed elsewhere for a while, thats all over and done with now.

Yes please don't take it personal that you didn't get many responses to your post, maybe no one else had a similar situation that was a member here but the important thing is you got the information you needed so don't make yourself a stranger here as we want your participation.

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