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Hi again ,


My Grey name is PIPO ,7 months old ,do not know yet if is a boy or a girl .


His favorite food is sweet corn and of course seeds.

He love all kind of toys specially he loves braking bells

Is lovely and already can bark and say " Coco"


thank you for taking the time to look at him and read .:)


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MOUSSA from Texas, USA


Moussa is also 7 months old and a big handsome boy. He is a little unusual in that he has some red feathers around his legs.


His favorite foods are his morning mash and strawberries. He also wants some of anything I try to eat in front of him. His favorite treats are pine nuts and cashews.


Moussa's favorite toy is a stainless steel tubular bell. He doesn't really play with it. Instead, he uses it to summon goods and services and to complain when those items do not live up to his expectations. More of a communication device than a toy. The other birds squawk when they want something; Moussa just rings that dang bell incessantly until someone responds.


He doesn't talk yet, but makes lots of fascinating noises. He has a special whistle he does when I leave the room he is in. I think it is a contact call and he is trying to call me back. He also does do a pretty good imitation of our sun conure.


(I will try to add a picture later when I can find that little plug-in thingy that came with my camera.) :)

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Nice and replies! :)


Dayo is 3. DNA sexed male and had him since he was 15 weeks old visited him at the breeders almost daily from 5 weeks old onward. You see his picture in my avatar. His favorite foods are walnuts, peanuts, almonds, peanut butter extra crunchy made with palm oil, apples and grapes along with some mango and Yams. All are treats to him and he gets the nuts sparingly. Toys he loves to bash and get crazy with are large bells, cat type acrylic balls with bells in them and hanging off of ropes upside sown. He also loves chewing wooden toys to sawdust.


You can read and see many photos of him in the journal/book I started writing on this forum at : http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?160392-Dayo-Writing-a-Book-for-his-future

Edited by danmcq
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This is a great idea meine!!

BISCOTTI is a California boy, he is 15 mo old & dna'd male. I have know Biscotti since he was just a couple weeks old & visited him at his breeders regularly until I brought him home at around 12 weeks old. :) He would be voted as "class clown" for sure! He loves to talk and is already gathering quite a vocabulary. His favorite foods are grapes, blueberries, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, black eyed peas, corn & of course nuts & seeds which he only gets limited amounts of.

His favorite toys are foraging type that he can work on destroying to get goodies! He loves flying around the house and screaming like a pterodactyl!!

I have owned, loved & been passionate about all kinds of animals/birds all my life, but Biscotti is truly unique. I have never had the feeling around other animals that THEY were actually studying me! Biscotti can look right into my face ( with one eye :) ) and it feels like he is searching deep into my soul, hard to explain. I feel truly blessed to have his little presence in my life.

Biscotti begging for pets.jpg

Edited by chelseaB
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