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Ground Control...We have Lift-Off!!


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It is now official…we have four flighted big birds (heaven help us)

Joey has been making small flights (in the manner of Crash Corrigan) and landing on strategically placed pillows around the kitchen. Well, it has happened…Joey has flown…not once, not twice…but more than six times a day. He flies out to the kitchen to his favorite spot by the computer and then flies back across the house to the bedroom where he rests before making the flight back. Spock is enjoying this because he paces Joey every time he flies…

Salsa decided the other day that the flying might be useful so she took off in flight also…she has to work harder at it but she makes it across the room and that is all she wants…

Tango made her maiden flight the other day when I was spraying everyone off…she took offense to me spraying and flew across the room to land on my arm where she proceeded to show her displeasure by biting me before flying to the ground and walking back to her cage. (Yeow!!!!)

So, I am waiting with bated breath for the day that we have simultaneous lift-off…(that will be the day I run screaming down the street….”The birds are coming! The birds are coming!”


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LOL, this is ground control, Tango please go to a cruising altitude of 5 feet and stop tormenting the poor non flighted humans in your way, fly around them politely, you are allowed to use your best Pterodactyl scream though as a horn..., Salsa please bank left and descend to 7 feet, Joey just remain at you 6 foot altitude and watch out for that human tree in your way. :P


Thanks for sharing this aerial mad house taking place. :)

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Haha! Congratulations too all! Paco has joined your ranks, he started his flights once he regained 3 primaries on one wing, and 4 on the other. We had a few crash landings on very short flights, but they are getting longer and longer each day, and yesterday he flew to each room in my house (I'm in a 1000 sq foot condo) as small as it is.


I can't imagine the noise created by the beating wings of one parrot, so I can only imagine what its like to have 4 in the house! Batten down the hatches!!!

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