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Gone very quiet

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Hiya guys haven't been on for a while but have a question bout Rambo!! He's 16weeks now and has always been a mischievous and outgoing grey never still and forever causing havoc chewing sumat he shunt etc!! Jus generally playful and a normal nice naughty grey lol !! Lately tho he's gone very quiet and even slept on cage bottom which he never does!! He jus wants to sleep on Chris shoulder r sofa and is just cuddly quiet which he's not been !!it's great and loverly if he's healthy and well jus wondered if was normal!! He's eating well and has chewed a toy today

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Personality change? He's still a baby. Personality changes don't happen untill they're at least 6 to 8 mts old. I agree with Jayd and luvparrots. It may be checkup time. Sleeping on the bottom of the cage is not uncommon but it happens very sporadically. Of course it may be the heat or just boredom. If he's still playful through all of this then it's a good sign.

"""He jus wants to sleep on Chris shoulder r sofa and is just cuddly quiet which he's not been !!""""

As baby greys and other parrots settle in, they become more calm and relaxed. A shoulder is a nice place to relax but play it safe----either call or visit a vet.

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Is a big personality change un normal jayd??

A complete change isn't normal, my concern is the amount of sleeping, plus change! I don't feel this is normal, but I'm not a vet and haven't observed him on a daily basis.....:) Dave and Janet are right, It won't hurt to get a check-up...


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I had my bird and she was already about 6 months of age so I'm sorry that I can't be of much help here. My bird has just developed her personality so it's hard for me to say it's a personality change. I'm still learning a lot both from my own bird and from visiting this forum; I really wish I could be of more help. Sometimes Tui will fall asleep on her perch during the day but I think it's because she's just tired herself out.


As everyone has rightly said, take Rambo to see an Avian vet. I'm sure they'll know a little more on this.

Edited by Cheshire Cat
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As others have said, if this inactive sedentary behavior is still there, go get an avian vet to check out your grey. Most babies at yours greys are kinda like puppies, they will rock and roll for a while, then take a nap, then rock and roll etc. You get the picture. If your grey is like this all day long and not wanting to play or explore, something is wrong.

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Hi. I'm chris, Rambos pet. Has Louise as said he's changed but he does not seam to be poorly. He's eating and drinking well. I keep a check on is crop it seams to fill and empty often. He still goes mad to come out of his cage and flys round to get to me. The personality change is nice. So loving and quiet something Rambo as never been. The only think that does bother me a bit is his very watery poo's and that he seams to poop a lot. He's a real poop machine. Lol. I'm going to just keep my eye on him for a bit except for the poo's nothing else is telling me he poorly.

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He's on large low sunflower fruity parrot mix (Johnson and jeff). He as fresh garden peas in the pods. Cooked green beens and mix veg.

You need to change his diet to a no sunflower seed diet, like Volkmans, get a pellet, I like Zupreen natural, there's others you can try, give him fresh veggies and a little piece, say 2 grapes or small slice of apple a day. keep the seed/pellet in his cage 24/7, give the fresh in the veggies afternoon.[ie: Kale,turnip greens, broccoli, slightly steamed carrots, and sweet potato cooked soft....cooked brn rice.]At first there will be waste but keep trying. When he establishes his new diet, you can give him 1/2 teaspoon of striped sunflower seeds a day for a treat, treat him with a couple pieces of walnut or a almond or two a a day.

Edited by Jayd
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Lou's had a word with a vet. He's not concerned with Rambo's personally change, but did tell us to keep an eye out on is poo. I stopped Rambo's veg for a couple of days and his poo as firmed up a little bit. So we will continue to watch him over the next few days. He's not at work today and he as been left with a bowl of cooked veg. He's was in very good spirits when i left him. He had a bath before i left and he really enjoyed it. Normally he's not keen.

Jayd Rambo will not eat pellets.

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Thanks, even if Rambo won't eat pellet's it's a good idea to keep them in his cage, try some raw veggies. Fruit and foods with excess water can affect poop, as well as certain foods. The processes of Abundant feeding doe's have it's waste, I'm sorry, I'm concerned with change.Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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Our Oscar wasn't a Zupreen pellet fan until just a few weeks ago (he is now 6 months old) - now he nibbles on them in the morning as I am making him breakfast - even though he knows he's going to get fresh veggies! As well, through the day pellets are disappearing! I am thrilled as he can sometime be a finicky eater and I always worry about his nutrition.

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You have to be very careful as greys are experts at hiding any illness as this is what they would do in the wild. Consistent watery poos are not a good sign and even though it could be the veggies keep a check on it. A trip to an avian vet for a check never does any harm.


Pellets can take weeks and even months to convert to. If it's beneficial to your parrot's overall health I would keep trying :)

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You have to be very careful as greys are experts at hiding any illness as this is what they would do in the wild. Consistent watery poos are not a good sign and even though it could be the veggies keep a check on it. A trip to an avian vet for a check never does any harm.

Pellets can take weeks and even months to convert to. If it's beneficial to your parrot's overall health I would keep trying :)

Most of this is very true, when I referred to veggie's, I was referring to how they were prepared in this case, And I'm sorry, but pellets are not necessary to a parrots overall good health, Pellets are a "convenient" food, not a one source solve it all, and some brands can kill our fid's. Sorry, my opinion........There's some Grey't threads on of the forum that go into the research of this matter...Jayd

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Sometimes the types and amounts of veggies can effect poos too is all I meant.


I completely understand what you are saying and I in know way meant that pellets are the only thing a grey should have. But the "right ones" are beneficial alongside other foods as they contain nutrients etc that they need, whereas it can be easy to give too much or too little supplements for example. Maybe I should have extended on my reply :)

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Thank You, Yes supplements are something we all stay away from. We supply all our fid's with a bowl of seed/pellets and the balance of their diet consist of fresh veggies, legumes, grains, pastas, eggs,chicken/turkey/fish. and very little fruit, which is famous for 'wet poop". Streetwise said "He's on large low sunflower fruity [which is dehydrated] parrot mix (Johnson and jeff). He as fresh garden peas in the pods. Cooked green beens and mix veg.[Added water]. These can cause a higher urine content in bird droppings.

The foods I suggested plus some raw pasta [ Orzo, Rotinni etc] can help balance a diet. These are young baby's and haven't developed eating habits yet. Proper feeding and Sunlight [uVB for vitamin d3, since Grey absorb extremely little from food] will supply all a Grey or any parrot need's, minus the additives, preservative's, [bHT etc] that most pellets have, also the processing of the pellets destroy a major portion of the good they might provide. Harrison's, is mostly natural, and uses a low heat processes, TOP's is my favorite, Zupreem natural is has no preservatives etc..My feelings are that Pellets are a snack, and I treat them that way. Back in the 70's to many people's surprise, we feed our parrots mostly human fresh foods, and seed' and nuts......LOL Thanks Jayd....

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This post got all complicted. But ill try a few pellets again and ive got fresh un-cooked veg. I'm surpised to see chicken/turkey and fish ??? your kidding.

I'm really starting not to worry, Rambo's just changed into a really really nice bird and i think he's just really settled in. Shows no signs of been un-well and still goes mad to get to louise when she comes round.

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Congo African Grey Parrot's are one of the most complicated parrots to own, especially their diet. There are many birds in the wild that eat meat. Chicken, Turkey, and fish are loaded with protein, fish have Omega-3! Gray's absorb little d3 from food, you get d3 from Sun [uVB] and meat! Yes please continue to try your bet to inculde Pellets into Rambo's diet.. Question? Do you have indoor Full-spectrum UVB lighting? plus do you take Rambo outside each day? Thanks Jayd

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