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I have recently been going through some life changes and I am concerned about my Grey's well being. About a month ago, my husband and I decided to seperate. I just started grad school and with classes, work, and my internship I am going to be putting in some very long days, 5 days a week. Archie is used to being out for most of the day so I am afraid he will not do well with this new arrangement. His cage is located in the corner of my livingroom and my pionus also lives in a cage in the livingroom so they do have eachother to communicate with throughout the day. I have considered a few things I can do to keep him entertained while I am gone, but would really like some more suggestions. I have thought about buying a variety of cds (nature sounds, soothing music, kids songs) and rotating through them. I will also put lots of foraging toys in his cage. I have thought about getting a pet sitter as I will need one to let the dogs out anyway... but Archie really isnt a fan of new people, so I dont know if he would benefit from a petsitter coming to hang out with him.


I never imagined leaving him alone for such long periods and I feel really bad about it. However, I am not going to rehome him because I am going to grad school and I am not going to skip grad school because of a pet... that would be silly. So any suggestions you may have to help me entertain him would be greatly appreciated.




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Many people who are out at work for most of the day own parrots and they do adept to being in the cage for longer periods. Just make sure that when you are home you spend even more quality time with him to make up for it. Or maybe consider turning a spare room (if you have one) into a bird room which he can be left out of the cage when your not there. Just make sure you completely bird proof it so that he is safe without being supervised. If this is not possible then foraging toys are a great idea and any toys that will keep him engrossed and occupied so the time goes quicker for him. :)

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I think you will manage it, like the others said it not so much the quantity but the quality time you spend as a lot of us work full time and our fids are by themselves for a good part of the day and school will not last forever, Archie will adjust if you provide him with lots of toys and foraging opportunities to occupy his time when alone, also leave the tv or a radio on to keep him company.

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Hi Amy!


I think it will help that Archie will have the company of your pionus. It can cause anxiety in birds if it is too quiet, 'cause that's what happens when there is a predator around ... everything goes very quiet.


Most of my birds are loose in a bird room during the day, but I still play the radio in the room occasionally. I know the birds enjoy music. I have also played the TV for them. I like to play the PBS station. During the day there is a lot of children's programming which the birds enjoy. :) Seriously, they will even have their favorite programs. My lovebird used to love that teletubbies show and would chirp happily whenever it came on.


Whenever you leave the house, tell Archie bye bye and explain where you are going, that you will be coming back, and that he will be safe and comfortable until you get back. He will soon learn what to expect and that you will be gone for a while.


Foraging toys are a great idea. You might also change out toys in the cage frequently, if Archie will comfortably accept the changes.


Best of luck in grad school ... sounds like you have some real challenges ahead!

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