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I've posted before about telepathy in our animals. Well we were out for a walk with Alfie and the dogs on Monday and had an interesting little episode so I thought I'd share.

A while back I posted a thread abouto Alfie talking with the Jackdaws on our roof via the chimney pot - they would call down, and she would answer them in Jackdawese (they've never conversed since, but now and again she will still make Jackdaw noises).

While we were out walking, we were surrounded by woodland birds singing their little hearts out and David said he wondered if Alfie knows what they're saying, and I said, "well do you remember that conversation she had with the Jackdaws?" The words were hardly out of my mouth when Alfie started talking Jackdawese again! Amazing.

She also growled in chihuahuaese at a passerby right after Tia barked at them, but thats a different subject!


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Spock here! Telepathy! indeed, I taught Alfie how to mind meld and to inter-mental communicate, as I have all my subjects, Don't we get what we want? when we want it?. Indeed, Humans, I've noticed some humans are adept at getting what they want, just practice...Uh-oooo, gota go.....


Live Long and Prosper..

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I've noticed all my critters can read my mind. I believe all animals can do this and that we dumb-dumb humans have somehow lost our ability to do it. For example, all I have to do is THINK of taking my dogs for a walk, and they both JUMP up in utter joy. Some people might say that I take them at the same time every day or that I am glancing at the leashes right before deciding to get up and get going, but this is not true. In fact we do not walk every day (though they do get exercised daily - just not always off the premises) and I keep the leashes out of sight. I have been careful to NOT give any cues as to what I am about to do (take them for a walk), yet time and again, they will both suddenly get up and get excited, knowing what is about to happen.



Another example is with my cat. All I have to do is THINK the word or the image "vet" and zoooooooooom, she is out of here, hiding under the bed or couch. This cat trusts me implicitly yet the vet is just too scary for her and she dislikes it so much. She's good enough at this that I finally figured out that if she has a vet appointment scheduled, to put the carrier out the night before and then catch her and bring her to the carrier before she has a chance to run off.



An example with my birds - my AG loves one of my male friends. Whenever we are going to HIS house, she DIVES into her carrier. I haven't told her, and that I know of, she hasn't read through my calendar (joking, guys..), yet she is so enthusiastic about getting into her carrier only when we are headed specifically to his house.



I hope you don't all think I'm a whackadoo but oh, well if you do. I really do believe animals communicate telepathically and the more I observe them, the more I see this to be true.

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Amazing that she associated the word Jackdaws with the sound they make. Alfie is quite amazing. They are so quick.


That's kind of what struck me at first Janet - If Alfie's heard me say that word in context once she'll be lucky. I don't recall ever putting the word with the sound for her like i did with the piggy and the chicken etc. That's why the firt thing I thought of when she did it was telepathy!

They are amazing though - each and every one!

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