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How to deal with a jealous Amazon?


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Diego has always been pretty good around my 2 young boys and my boys are very good around him. They never approach him to pet him unless I am supervising and they always respect Diego's space.


Over the last few days I have noticed Diego showing more aggressive body language around the children and often growls when they approach to talk to him. The other day my eldest and I was doing some touch training with him, Diego went to step up on my sons hand and put his beak around my sons finger which is normal for him when he steps up. This time he started with soft mouthing his finger but them bit down harder which made my son yelp and cry (understandable).


A couple of days have passed and Diego's behaviour is definately getting more aggressive towards both of the boys. Today Diego flew over to me on the sofa and my youngest was sat next to me. Diego was fine and sat on my lap, next minute his feathers were all puffed up, then all slicked down and he started stalking my son from my lap. When he got close to my son I had to tell him to move quickly as Diego started growling and then lunged for him.


I know the re-enforcement for this aggression on both cases


First Case - my son pulls his hand away quickly, screams then walks away quickly making lots of noise and sobbing (Diego sees this as lots of verbal attention for his actions plus re-enforces bites makes the little ones run)


Second Case - My son quickly vacates the area of an Amazon showing aggressive behaviour (Again, Diego sees that this behaviour gets the little ones out of the way quickly)


The problem with both of these cases is, I cannot expect my sons not to show any emotion when getting bit or to not cry. This would never happen, when small children get hurt they cry this is natural. I also cannot expect my sons to hold their ground with an Amazon clearly wanting to get a bit of loose skin, as the dangers of damage done to fingers or faces is too great.


In both cases however, I did walk away from Diego without saying a word to him and went straight to my sons and made sure I spent time with each giving cuddles etc.


So how do I nip this in the bud:confused:, I know Diego is trying his luck on this and seeing what he can get away with. I just don't want this to esculate into a serious behaviour problem. After all the boys and Diego have to stay good friends as one of them will end up inheriting him when he is old and grey/green :)


Oh and Diego only does this with the boys, If ever an adult approaches him he is whiter than white and is a huge flirt!!

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What I do with my grey is tell her no and explain what she is doing is wrong. Example, Ana Grey is always pestering my older ekkie and stealing his food. I tell her no and to get out of there and she does know that I will come and get her if she doesn't. I have told her what she is doing wrong and that she should leave Sully alone. And she gets out of the cage. Now I have to watch her and she does try to sneak back in but I believe our fids understand tone of voice and animation, at least Ana Grey does. I don't mean yelling as I don't yell at my fids, but the tone gets her every time.

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Hi, what we have here is "Bonding", the aggression toward your sons, is because there his closest rival....He senses a difference in emotion you show to them then you do to others, adults. He's stakeing his territory, your his, period. This is to be expected from a Zon...This is Bonding, not Hormonal. Doing what Janet said and what your doing is fine, most likely, you'll have to keep you son at a distant from Diego, at least for now, and hope things calm down with time...Your sons might only be able to approach Diego with you out of sight.

The Days of Our Lives... Jayd

Note: In Janet's case, it's "Bird against Bird, a lot more direct.

Edited by Jayd
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I kinda thought it was jealousy of the children that was making him act like this. Do you think I should take a step back for a few days and let the boys do most of the daily routine with Diego, i.e. giving him his food, changing his water, letting him out of the cage etc. ? Also should I concentrate on the boys doing most of the training (supervised) for a while as well?

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I read your post over a number of times to understand what was going on and tell you what we did to bring Cricket around. This is what worked for me and I hope this helps you.

Cricket came to us a little on the nasty side so we could not do a lot at first. What we did and what may help you is when your children are around Diego that he be in his cage and your children have a pocket full of treats so when they go to his cage they can offer a treat through the bars. Let Diego put his beak through the bars to get the treat so your kids don`t get bitten. When ever they go to the cage he gets a treat. This may take some time but he will learn that when they are around something good happens.

I know you want your children to respect Diego and not fear him so they have to find common ground.

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Do you think I should take a step back for a few days and let the boys do most of the daily routine with Diego, i.e. giving him his food, changing his water, letting him out of the cage etc. ? Also should I concentrate on the boys doing most of the training (supervised) for a while as well?


As always my friend your correct, you must balance your times together. Let Diego see that you sons are part of the flock, not a threat to your bond with him. Divide the choirs equal between all of you...Jayd

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Thanks everyone all your responses have been very helpful and I will be using the advice given by each of you. Ray P, unfortunately Diego is out of the cage for most of the day, however, I can get my boys to always give him treats when they pass his perch or when he stands by him to talk to him. I must admit, apart from when they help me do some training it does tend to always be me dishing out the treats.


Jayd, what you have said about balance is so right and now that I have sat down and thought about it, it is actually my fault why Diego is acting like this. I have been quite protective of Diego since we have had him and I suppose a bit possessive of him (Like a mum with a new baby). I was so keen to build up a bond between Diego and myself, I have forgotten to include others into our circle. My husband is OK as he just goes and talks to Diego when he wants, but with my sons I am always saying, "It's best mummy does this for Diego".

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Thank you, you are correct being the main care giver and imprinting yourself strongly on Diego, but don't forget These Zon's and Grey's, 'TOO's etc, Can change their allegiances in a heart beat. Don't ever stop sitting down and thinking, Your good at it....Your Friend Jay d

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