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Parrot Popsicle, for when the temperature rises!


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Here in the South of Spain the temperature is still hot, hot, hot! Diego everyday spends some time outside and often watches the kids tuck into an Ice Lolly. So today I made Diego one so he could join in the fun.


I made them from:


Grated Carrot

Small pieces of grapes

A small amount of Brasil Nuts broken into small bits

Some seeds

Freshly squeezed orange and carrot juice


Here is the final product




I was so excited about giving him this treat that I have to be honest, I felt most put out when he literally turned his beak up at it and turned his back on me! Oh well he did eat some up when it had all melted into a blob in his dish. LOL

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I put ice cubes in Josey's water bowl every day, she doesn't play with or try to eat them but it provides her with cold water at least for awhile until it melts, maybe you could try just putting that mixture you made into an ice cube tray and then putting one or two of them in one of his bowls in the cage and see if Diego will try them that way, just a thought.

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I put pureed sweet potato into ice cube trays and freeze them and then put them in a bag in the freezer to thaw out later. Moussa is fascinated by ice. I tried just putting one of these frozen sweet potato pops in his bowl to see what would happen. He loves them! He nibbles at the frozen cube and then continues to nibble as it thaws out. I think he actually consumes more of the sweet potato when served this way!

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How old is Diego, my Parrot only wanted heated (steamed) veggies for a few months, then all of a sudden stopped eating them, so I offered raw, and he was back on that. Now it seams he wants steamed again. I just go with the flow. Your frozen treat looks amazing, I may try a version of your idea next summer. Paco won't eat seeds or fruit, so I'd need to go with a veg based popsicle!

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Diego is now 6 months old, when we got him the breeder said he was fully weaned but I soon found out after a few days this was not quite true. I had to go back to giving him puréed food and he was always really fussy about the temperature, now he is eating everything but is still fussy with veggies and beans being cold.

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Great looking Popsicle, regardless of what Diego thought of it. :)


I don't know about others Greys, but Dayo hates orange juice and always has.


It's hot here in California too around 104 today. He loves eating the natural fruit Popsicles made by Dryers. He just lavishes the Pomegranate and Grape. When were done eating it, he then chews the wooden stick to pieces. :)

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your ice lolly looked great!! Shame on her for not wanting it. Keep trying - maybe she just needed to get used to the way it looked.


I had another one in the freezer which I gave him yesterday but still no joy, this time he wasn't even interested in it when it had defrosted. Parrot Popsicles are a no go for Diego, however, I am going to have a go at making some parrot bread for him. Not sure how I will be going about it yet, but I am sure that my normal cooking skills of throwing it all in and hoping for the best will work. LOL. If it comes out well, I will post a picture and how I did it. :)

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