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Alright, I need some expert advice :)


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A friend of mine, also in the Air Force, is deploying very soon, sort of a last minute thing. Anyway, he was panicking about his birds and I quickly said I'd take care of them. It's a six month deployment and I get these birds next Thursday and I want some advice on what I should do. They are a lovebird, I believe it's a peach-faced lovebird, and a conure, sun conure I think. We haven't had a chance to discuss any details at all yet so I don't know ages, temperment, if they are in separate cages (I'm assuming yes) or really anything yet.


My Yoshi has always ruled our house :P She goes out and we see other birds and she always seems interested in the big birds at the pet store that she socializes with and stuff. I really don't expect Yoshi to be a problem, but I've never seen her with little birds, and we have never had other birds in our house. Should these new birds be kept in the same room as Yoshi? Or should I leave them separate? I don't know if the other birds are handleable or not yet... but I'm guessing I shouldn't let them get close to Yoshi anyway? I don't want any broken toes or anything because of Yoshi's strong beak. What about the conure? Perhaps they will be friendly...


I personally have never had a conure or lovebird, I usually deal with bigger birds :) With the exception of one parrakeet I had for a couple years :P

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You need to talk to the birds owner. Have him type/write up about each of his birds. Their likes, dislikes, foods, favorite treats, their schedules. The dos and don't. I have a free roaming canary that I keep in the front of the house because I love to hear him sing. He spends the day sitting on my plant shelving in front of my kitchen patio door and goes back to his cage for food and to sleep. Each bird is different only the owner can tell you the traits and what works for each one.

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I have a sun conure and a peach faced lovebird.


Sun conures are usually pretty sociable little birds that love attention and interaction. They are very active and playful and a lot of fun. My sun conure gets along well with most of the other birds. She does not like my grey, though, and will attack him, so I have to keep them apart. It's probably more of a jealousy thing than a sun conure thing. In your case, any jealousy issues would be coming from Yoshi.


My main comment would concern the lovebird. A lovebird can be really sweet or a little flying piranha; you'll have to find out which you'll be hosting. :) But either way, it's wise to keep other birds from lighting on the lovebird's cage or trying to perch there. Lovebirds tend to be really cage defensive, especially the females, and will tend to bite other birds feet through the bars of their cage. I keep my lovebird's cage in a different area from the other birds.


I would probably put the guest birds in another room. I also second luvparrots suggestions.

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Hi, to start with you need to quarantine for 30 days your friends birds from Yoshi, sorry. Yours or his could/can be carriers with out showing any outward signs...Only putting them together will let you know how they get along...Our Sun's get along with Spock, but not Joey...Jayd

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