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Help to identify this parrot


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Today I drove past a local pet shop and they had a parrot in the window. It was one of the most vibrant parrots I have ever seen. It was yellow all over but not just a normal yellow but an almost illuminous yellow! It was so bright, that this was the reason for it catching my eye.


On first look and because of the size I thought it could be an Eclectus, however after searching the net I'm not finding any parrots with this kind of colouring?


It's eyes were very light in colour and it's beak was also light if I can remember correctly.


It was one stunning bird and my curiosity on it is getting the better of me, I may just have to pop in and have a closer look. :) I might try and get a photo of it as well as it is in the shop window and in a very small cage for his size. :(

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It could have been a conure, but I always thought they had green on the tips of their wings. This one had no other colours other than the bright yellow. Plus I think it was bigger than a Conure.


LOL, curiosity is getting the better of me! I think I might pop out in a bit and do some detective work, problem is I don't want to be walking away thinking about adding another member to our family. I know I'm going to to feel bad for it, after the size cage it was in. :( Also I can't stop thinking about how beautiful it was, it was like a ray of sunshine sitting in the window!

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OK, the only parrot that I can find that looks like the one in the shop is the Golden Conure also known as a Queen of Bavaria Conure. From what I have read on this site http://animal-world.com/encyclo/birds/conures/queenbavaria.php they say "A very rare and highly endangered species, the Queen of Bavaria Conure also known as the Golden Conure is protected against collection and importation, as well as being closely regulated in the United States. It is also very expensive" The only thing that this conure has which I am sure the one in the shop does not is the green tips on the wing.

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Dude, that is exactly what I posted :P(you have to click on "Golden Conure" in my post to see the pictures)


Not all of them have green, if you look through the pictures, or have so little green you can't see it unless they open their wings.


The other possibility is a mutation of a species. I found pictures of DYH, RLA, and even a senegal that were yellow.


DYH mutation:


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Dude, that is exactly what I posted :P(you have to click on "Golden Conure" in my post to see the pictures)


DOH!!! Sorry my brains were obviously leaking at that point LOL. A friend of mine is popping in after work to ask the owner what it is as she works in the same street. After looking on the internet these particular parrots can reach up to $2000.000, and here in Spain they are even more expensive and very rare to find. I'm wondering if the owner knows what he has in his shop, if it is a Golden Conure and what he is selling it for?

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Could it have been a golden conure?


That is the only one I can think of off the top of my head that is all yellow like that.


Definitely not an eclectus though, they only ever have yellow on the very tip of their tales, and that is only in certain subspecies.


Yellow eclectus mutations :)



This mutation probably isn't what you saw in the store, considering the distinct green spots, but I figured people might find this mutation interesting. From what I've found they are produced from normal-colored parents.

Edited by animalINSPIRED
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Thanks lovely looking bird! The more I am looking at the pictures of the Golden Conure, the more I think this is one. Another thing I forgot to mention earlier is that the bird in the pet shop had a long tail which the conure has and the eclectus does not.


I will keep you all posted when my friend pops in and enquires.


I keep talking about it to my husband and he just keeps rolling his eyes, he knows me too well and he is just waiting for me to ask him about having another member to our family. I'm going to be strong though as although I would love another bird in the house, I just don't have the time. Plus our house can be noisy anyway and conures can be quite loud so an addition may start tipping the neighbours over the edge LOL.

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How long was it? Cause I'd say this Golden Conure has a long one, but that is compared to my CAG, Vos, and LCA lol!


click this, it is too big to post http://jaxaviculturalsociety.org/images/jas2009jan_005.jpg


The next thing I would suggest is a ringneck, but their bodies are small and their beaks are usually red(unless very young).


Here is another site about the Golden Conure http://www.avianweb.com/goldenconure.html


They are ~14" and it looks like the adults don't have the green as much. They sure are pretty!!!!!

Edited by Rrrma
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Ooooh I don't know now! The lutino ringneck could also be in the running. The one in the shop looked just a little smaller than Diego and he measures at just under 16" so this could be around 14". Looking on the web, both the conure and the ringneck measure in length around the same size. Looking at your photo Rrrma, the conure looks around the same weight and build as an Amazon and the one in the shop was definitely much more slender then Diego, so it could be a Ringneck.


Hopefully my friend will have time to pop in this evening and my curiosity can be curbed. :)

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