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Update - Recent improvements :)


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For those who don't know, Yoshi was clipped as a baby and only ever had one short flight before being clipped. She never truely learnt to fly. Over the last year and a half, her clipped feathers have slowely fallen out and her beautiful new flights have been growing in. She still has about 3 clipped on each wing, but she has gone a long way from where she was 6 months ago!


Yoshi now has almost all her flights, and is doing amazing with her flying! She is still a little clumsy, but she loves it :) She started slow, with only short downward flights exhausting her, then slowely learnt to fly up and then to turn while in flight. Now she flys all over the place, gets worn out, hangs out with us a little while, then is at it again. Her favorite seems to be flying over to us when we are eating something, waiting for us to hand her part of it, and then flying back to her cage-top to eat it. You should see... sometimes she flies back to her cage, misjudges and drops what is in her beak so that she can use it to climb her cage. If what was in her beak falls beyond reach, she stares at it for a moment, then flies back and demands a replacement lol. Then back she goes... She has so much fun flying, and has made enormous improvements in a short time.


Now I can say firsthand the changes flight has made in our life and in hers. I honestly can't think of one bad thing! She doesn't yell unhappily when she has to wait for us to pick her up, because she can just fly to us herself. She now prefers to fly to us herself! She is definatly more happy being able to fly, and much more confident. I was worried she wouldn't want to bother with flying since she was used to living without it, but no she works her butt off going absolutely everywhere she wants. There has been a couple times she has been flying trying to land on something and missed, then she comes back around for another try, and my husband or I will hold our hand out for her to land on us so we can help her and she yells and dodges us. She wants to fly, and she wants to be able to get where she wants herself, no matter how much panting she has to do afterwards :P I can tell she is much stronger in the wings, and has lost some weight even though she is also eating more.


So she is eating and drinking more, and pooping more, and looks stronger and more confident. Where she used to hesitate, she now goes as she knows she can fly out of their quick if she needs to. She looks beautiful when she is flying, I love it. Last weekend she managed to fly over the railing upstairs and for the first time tried to fly all the way downstairs. The way our house is set up, we have two floors, Yoshi usually upstairs with us, and a big square in the middle upstairs where the stairs are that is open so you can look downstairs at the whole living room. Hopefully that makes sense? Anyway, she flies over the railing upstairs, and I race downstairs worried that she isn't going to be able to fly down so far. Well she wheels unsteadily around in a big circle as she loses altitude, then flies just out of my reach with my arm up in the air, past the dining room and into the kitchen, where she finally lands on the floor with a big poop. LOL I was so impressed. She was pooped lol with evidence. She let me carry her back upstairs and she took a good drink from her water bowl. Since then she has done that twice more! It's the longest fly she can do. I call to her from upstairs but she can't go back up yet :P She will fly halfway and I'll catch her on the stairs and bring her the rest of the way but flying up really takes it out of her. I'm sure those 6 clipped flights she still has don't help either, she I really want those out :P She knows what come here means and what go back means. Sometimes she flies to us when we are busy and we point and say 'go back!' She flies back, then flies to us again, and pretty much makes a game of it lol. It's not a big deal though, if we really can't have her flying to us she goes into her cage for a little while, usually with a new toy or treat to distract her :P


Anyway, she is flying, trying so hard, and loving it. We love watching her fly too!

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Hurray for Yoshi!!!


I always find it remarkable how resilient these creatures are. All ours have come to us clipped and have done beautifully in regaining flight.


Our most dramatic change was in our little pionus. When we got her, she was not just clipped, but overclipped, overweight, clumsy, and full of broken feathers from falling. Now she's trimmed down, confident, beautifully feathered, and one of our most agile fliers.

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