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Ollie came into the shower with me today. He sat on the top of the cubicle and seemed to enjoy it, he was whistling and talking to me etc.


He was getting closer and closer to the water, i didnt presure him as he gets sprayed anyway, which he does seem to enjoy.


Does anyone else take their grey into the shower with them? Is there a limit of too often, i mean can he do that everytime i take a shower (every day) or should he only do it afew times a week. I will still continue with his sprays etc.

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As others said, it's fine. Dayo sits on the shower door, fluffs up and acts like he is a part of the showering process, however not a speck of water gets on him, just a little steaming. He actually looks forward to it and reminds me when it's time by saying "Lets go take a shower"..... :P

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My girl takes a shower with me every day but she sits on top of the shower door and mostly just gets a steaming. :-) But on hot days I take her to the kitchen sink and put the water on cool temperature and low pressure and use the sprayer thingy to wet her down. She lovvvvvvves this but used to haaaaaaaaaaaate it.


Oh and I have a friend who I visit with who has a large shower (mine is so small that if I gained 20 lbs it would be a tight fit). He takes her with him into the shower and though I've never witnessed it (we don't have that sort of relationship), he says that she spreads her wings and fluffs up and douses herself under the water and loves it. He says she makes a little chirping noise while doing this and that she dances around thoroughly enjoying herself. He says that he never pressured her and that it took about 10 showers before she would go under the spray of the water by herself and get totally soaked.



A long time ago I remember reading in a book (sorry, don't recall which one) that AGs are one of the only parrots that flies in the pouring rain. Makes me wonder if they actually like/need to get soaked on occasion.

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Birdnut, maybe Moussa doesn't like the temperature of the water, or the sound the mister makes, or the color of the bottle. Try adjusting some of those factors and see if you have better luck. Also, can you mist another person or bird in front of Moussa? Sometimes birds need to learn from others that the new activity or new food is safe.


A friend of mine started putting only hot water into his mister because by the time it came out of the bottle and went through the air and landed on the bird, it was more like tepid, not even warm. Just a thought!

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