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When you don't know their hatch date...


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what do you celebrate?


All 3 of my parrots are rescue/rehomes and only recently did I finally locate 1 of their breeders. She was able to pull her paperwork and find Rosie's hatch date(Vos eclectus, 3/1/01).


Hardy(LCA) was wild caught, so I have no earthly idea how old he is or even when exactly he was caught. I know the lady I got him from had had him and his mate since 99 and she said the breeder she took them from had had them about 8 years. If he really was imported before they changed the laws, he would have been in captivity for a minimum of 18 years, but likely he has been in it longer. He does have a leg band, but I doubt I'll get much from it as they supposedly have destroyed most of the import records by now.


Norma(CAG) was born to a breeder to keep as a pet and not banded. Supposedly she is 13-14, but I doubt I will ever know for sure.


I decided to celebrate their adoption days, since I figured I'd never know for sure.


What do you do?

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I don't know much about my greys past. I just go by what I was told about him from the pet store. As far as I know he is right around 4 or 5 years old. So I just considered him a year older on the date of purchase. I bought him May 5th of 2009. So that's pretty much the date I use.

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I have a re-homed ekkie that was found and taken to a local pet store where he was for 7 1/2 years before I got him a year and a half ago. He has no band and was terrible plucked when found so I assume he is at least 10 years old and probably at least a couple of years more because of the horrible plucking. He acts like he is older than the hills. I wish I knew more about him as he has some issues that are very sad. I have chosen his purchase date as his day of celebration as that is the date of his new beginning.

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I know Yoshi's hatchdate but I'd imagine the date I purchased my little guy would be the date I'd celebrate if I was in that situation. Then again... don't we celebrate our spoilt little fids EVERY day!? lol! Yoshi thinks at least one day a week is her birthday, like how yesterday she got macaroni and chicken from my husband's plate, and egg from my plate for dinner. Then she had a grape. Then she had an animal cracker. Some days she is very spoilt :P But very happy!

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