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Me and my zon

Ray P

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The story of me and Cricket my Blue front alomst never happened.

Cricket was given to my sister in law by her husband as a gift about 13or14 years ago and was put in a large cage with a number of other birds and that started a chain of events that went down hill

The first thing that happened was she hurt a number of birds very bad.(took an eye out of one bit the foot off anouther and so on)

She was then put in a smaller cage until they moved from Pa to Florida at that time they did not have room for her cage in the truck so they left it in Pa and put in a smaller cage for many years and she was on an all seed diet and became very over weight and could not fly. She also became very nasty and hat bitten a number of people very bad!!!

When my sister in law called and asked if we would take Cricket because she was moveing to a smaller house and she found homes for all the other birds except Cricket I said no.

In Dec. of 2008 we went to Florida for a graduation we ended up bringing her home

The first things we did was put her in a large cage and change her diet and every day I would sit by her cage and talk to her and give her treets and after 2 or 3 weeks when ever I came in to the room she would go to the side of the cage were my stool was a wait for me I than started to open the door of her cage and let her come out and go to the play top. When it came time for her to go back I would use my arm to guide her back.

One day when she was out she took flight from the top of the cage and went about 15 feet and hit the carpet floor. Now what am I going to do I had not yet picked her up.

I walked over to her bent over and said step up and she did!!!!

I don`t know what I did to make her love me but she has never bitten me my wife or son and has become the sweetest bird and to think I said no


Edited by Ray P
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What a wonderful story about your Blue Front, Cricket! This gives me great hopes for my new Blue Front, Louie, age 2 1/2, who I brought home yesterday. Louie stopped hissing at me today and so I opened his door and he has been sitting quietly on his veggie bowl in the open doorway. Is hope you will tell us more about Cricket as she sounds like a lovely little lady who has finally found where she really belongs. Pictures please!!!

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Your story Ray P proves that an aggressive Zon can change into a sweet loving bird. Unfortunately there are many people that automatically assume that all Zons turn aggressive in time and are not always a friendly parrot to have around. I personally believe that when an Amazon is aggressive, it's down to the owners and the conditions they live in and not just down to their make up. Great story about Criket, I would love to see some photos of him and I am sure I will be picking your brains when problems arise with Diego my Blue Fronted. :)

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