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By Jove, He's GOT IT!!!


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He's learned how to land!!!


I had posted a while back on Jasper's crash landings...


We had some people over on Friday and Jasper just upped and flew...but when my DH held out his finger, Jasper slowed down and landed!!!!!!!!


He's very, very smitten with himself (as I am too!) he just perks up and holds himself very high and eyes pinning... :)


I was surprised though...i heard flapping wings and next thing i know, he landed on my head! (as he poo's right after he lands, I quickly got him off my head!)


Just thought I'd share my good news that Jasper can now land instead of crash land!

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He's learned how to land!!!




I hate to say it, BUT

I told you so.


Birds might be borned to fly. But flying is not easy, especially the landing.


How many birds got clipped during those first few days when they still were trying to understand the muscles , the control of feathers, and the landings.


I extract from one of my old writings

More thoughts on wing clipping



If you see a human toddler trying to walk and falling down, will you have fear for his/her safety and not ever let him discover balance and walk? Will you have him/her crawl for the rest of their life because you are afraid to see them fall?


This is same as your choice for your bird.


Warmest regards







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yes, you were right! he is loving his freedom but hasn't taken it to far yet (thank goodness!) and no clipping from us...it was done before we got...well, both birds...now, our cockatoo will take full advantage of flying when she can! i fear that day! (not really..I'll just be up and down a lot more than normal!)

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A parrot in flight is something magical, at least to me. I love it when people come over and see it happen. They are a little fearful when they hear wings flapping at first. Then they see me just carrying on like nothing is happening and are a bit amazed at the whole thing. I love the way they curl their bodies forward and tuck their tail downwards when coming down to land. I really love everything about it. I wish I could fly. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Congrats, Jasper! I had to giggle because when my Grey first started flying, she crash-landed quite a bit and soon learned that landing on one of the DOGS was a much more soft landing than the hardwood floors! So the dogs would be sleeping and they'd hear that WHOOSH-WHOOSH-WHOOSHing sound as she flew through the air and even out of a deep sleep they would JUMP to their feet and run off. HAHAHAHA! Apparently they didn't particularly like being used as a landing pad! (She came to me at age three years with some flight feathers but when I took her for a grooming of her toenails, the guy clipped her wings, too - WATCH YOUR GROOMER - they can claim they thought you wanted the wings done, too, and gee, they are sooooooooooo sorry... I now have come to find out that that particular shop owner thinks having a flighted parrot is "completely irresponsible" so I'm quite sure he clipped her wings intentionally.)


Oh, and what is even funnier now is my Grey now KNOWS the dogs try to escape so she flies AFTER THEM and lands on them ANYWAY, even if they DO run off to the next room or whatever. It is sooooooooo cute and sooooooooo funny to see the expressions on the dogs' faces (because they know I expect them to let the birds land on them if that is where the birds want to land).


Perhaps some day if I ever figure this whole picture thing out, I will get a pic of my Grey landing on one of the dogs. It's really incredible to see the beauty of the flight, and it's really humourous to see the expression on the dog!


Anyway, whoohoooooo, Jasper!

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when I took her for a grooming of her toenails' date=' the guy clipped her wings, too - WATCH YOUR GROOMER - they can claim they thought you wanted the wings done, too, and gee, they are sooooooooooo sorry...![/quote']


I would cry. Thank goodness Kito lets me do her nails. Way to go Jasper!

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Thanks guys!


I would also cry...but I'm lucky, the guy who does their nails always asks!


I will never trust our husky with a bird being out. we had a little red lorikeet and she snuck into our bedroom (with me and the bird on the bed) waited until I wasn't looking and grabbed our lorikeet and threw him on the floor. His talon was hurt, but otherwise ok and he recovered. But after that...no more victoria (husky) being out with our birds! Rocky, our rottweiler, is so laid back, he doesn't care, but he does not like it when Bella (our U-TOO) runs after him. Of course, I'm right behind her telling Rocky to just stay and that I"m coming! (she gets down and runs around a LOT)


I so need to see the picture of the dogs faces when your bird lands on them! i can just almost picture it... lol

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