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Bird Poop


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Okay, I can usually manage to get Issac to a good pooping spot for the big bombs. But man...does he ever keep me busy with the random poop on the floor, on appliances, on.....well....everything!! If there is one thing that would make life easier, it would be that he pooped somewhere consistant. Is there no way to teach him this. I have rewarded him for going in the right places. I have pretty much resigned myself to understanding that I will be a crap cleaner for the rest of my days, as I have no idea how I can make it any other way. But it is exhausting.


I would like to hear how others have managed this. It is more of a problem with flighted birds. I understand that if a bird is clipped, they would tend to poop where they can get too. Since Issac flys, he is flying poop machine that never quits. My love for him makes it all worth it...but I would love to hear approaches to making it any easier.

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I have none... I am in the same boat... I thought about poo'ing on command...but then I started thinking about it and thought what if he couldn't get to that place... what would happen then...


I try get his schedule down and when he starts to poo, if i'm not where he should poo, then i jostle him and run to an appropriate place.

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I don't allow my fids to land anywhere. I have perches and boings, etc. in each room and that is where my fids land. Before I got my birds I had my whole house changed to laminated wood. I place newspaper under each boing, perch, etc. i am retired so when I get a bird i just insist they land where I want them to. It helps that I have foraging toys at each place and most are in front of a window. I have a large plant stand in front of my patio glass door with bird safe plants and Ana Grey and Cappy love to sit there. Sully, my older ekkie, has all his flights back in but refuses to fly. He was clipped for over 7 1/2 years before I got him. I launch him off everyday and he can flap and glide but does not try on his own. Sully is the only one who poops on my floor and not on the newspaper if he is walk from cage to cage. The laminate makes it easy to spot and clean up.

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I have strategically placed boxes of tissues and toilet rolls in the living areas of the house. When I see madame doing her poop shuffle, I just hold a tissue under her butt and catch it. I don't always manage though. Cleo IS potty trained, and it works well providing I am on to it enough to tell her to go. If I don't she just does random poops.

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This is what worked for me. We would time Corkys poop cycle whitch was every 20 to 30 min. and put her on her T stand and say potty and when she did we would prase her and love her up and than watch for her sign like her wiggle and than put her on the stand and say potty and when she did well you know the drill.

First thing in the mornning we put her on the stand because that`s the big one and after that she will give us the sign or fly over on her own and go.

But sometimes you know well we don`t make a big deal of it.

When she is in her cage she will potty in one spot

Edited by Ray P
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a simple concern, since Grey's are wild animal, what if your gone for the day, and there's no one to order or give permission to poop? How will this affect a potty trained Grey?. Specific places to poop, yes, poop on command, no...Watch and wipe.....Thanks Jayd

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I agree with Jay that it should not be carried to the extreme of them only Pooping when told to do so. I have "Heard" bad stories about them not going Poop if not told and then suffer health issues from it, but I do not know for certain they are true.


I have not even tried to train Dayo to go poop on command. However, I do try to pay attention and move him to a stand or somewhere else when I know he is going to go. He hates to poop in his cage, but from what I have observed, if he is not let out until say 9 or so in the morning, he will usually just let the big load rip in his cage, I assume because once it reaches a certain point, they can't hold it even if they wanted to due to the body saying thats it "Bombs Away". :)


Again, as I said, I just don't know if they would actually hold it forever until told to poop if they reach a point that it either hurts too bad to do so or the sphincter just can't hold the pressure any longer.... which of course would not be good to have them doing all the time while waiting for the command.

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Ohh trust me, he feels free to poop everywhere when ever. Sometimes 3 times within 10 minutes...other times spaced out very well. I am good at getting the big bombs. He doesn't seem to want to poop in his cage very much...but it varies greatly. There is no pattern of any sort to Issacs pooping. I just need a holster for my paper towels and bottle of Pet Resolve.

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Ohh trust me, he feels free to poop everywhere when ever. Sometimes 3 times within 10 minutes...other times spaced out very well. I am good at getting the big bombs. He doesn't seem to want to poop in his cage very much...but it varies greatly. There is no pattern of any sort to Issacs pooping. I just need a holster for my paper towels and bottle of Pet Resolve.


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Oh Jesus Tweedle, this reminds me of how my Dobermans just love to snatch up cat poop when I take them for walks. I try to watch closely and stop them before they can get to it, but sometimes they are just to fast at it. The cat poop concerns me so much is the high possibility of worms or other nasties it may contain, never mind just the though of eating poop.......... Excuse me while I go barf now... :P

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I have pretty much resigned myself to understanding that I will be a crap cleaner for the rest of my days, as I have no idea how I can make it any other way.


This is my official job role in my household, a dog who constantly sneaks downstairs for a quite poop when we are not looking, 2 young boys, one who still wares nappies and the other who has accidents, an old cat who sometimes cannot control it and now Diego. I am constantly running around after my flock with either a wet wipe or a mop and bucket! It's Diego's poop that I miss which are the embarrassing ones when we have visitors, although my friends are always very polite when they sit down and come across a dry white poop on the back of the chair. LOL


I know I could look at potty training Diego, but my personal feeling is that it's not natural for them to hold on to a poop but to just let them go when they need to. However, Diego never poops on people which is great, he will actually fly off have a poop then return again. This was not trained but just a natural thing he does. :)

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This is my official job role in my household, a dog who constantly sneaks downstairs for a quite poop when we are not looking, 2 young boys, one who still wares nappies and the other who has accidents, an old cat who sometimes cannot control it and now Diego. I am constantly running around after my flock with either a wet wipe or a mop and bucket! It's Diego's poop that I miss which are the embarrassing ones when we have visitors, although my friends are always very polite when they sit down and come across a dry white poop on the back of the chair. LOL


I know I could look at potty training Diego, but my personal feeling is that it's not natural for them to hold on to a poop but to just let them go when they need to. However, Diego never poops on people which is great, he will actually fly off have a poop then return again. This was not trained but just a natural thing he does. :)


Well at least Diego does that much. Issac seems to think that it's okay to unload where ever and as often as he likes. Just this morning, he pooped like three times in ten minutes, not big ones but little ones. Sometimes he seems to just do it to relieve even the tiniest bit of pressure. Then he holds off in his cage, especially lately...I haven't had to change the paper too many times. Maybe when he is out, he is trying to poop to impress me. At least it seems that way. I can tell you that if i actually enjoyed him pooping...I would have a TON of joy coming my way. Well...at least I can be sure that his digestive system is working. I just cannot believe how much poop I have to clean sometimes. If you are trying to get other stuff done...and trying to keep the poop situation under control...it can be like keeping a bunch of plates spinning. My goodness. I do tell him, "Good Boy!!" when he poops in the right place. But I don;t think he has the reason for the praise down yet. Like i said, the way he poops, I think he might be doing it to impress me. LOL.

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If I don't tell Cleo to poop, she goes anyway. On me...on the floor...on the chairs...on the dog if she happens to be in the wrong place. Cleo now knows to go before I take her out of the cage....but if she doesn't go, I know that to mean she simply doesn't need to, and get taken out anyway.

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