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Why do they try and bath in small bowls?


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If you guys have read some of my posts, you might know that Babalu does not like bathing, or at least when I try to bathe him. Every once in a while he will try and take a bath in tiny bowls. The only thing that really gets wet is his beak, feet and the walls and floor. I have also tried putting him on the dog bowl (clean or course) so he can have more room, but he won't touch it! I guess at least he has fun, but does it really do anything for him?? th_IMG_0685.jpg

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It has to do with natural instinct that's built in to them. All parrots will do that. They'll even sometimes do that immediately after getting a thorough bath as long as the bowl water is colder. It really has nothing to do with the size of the bowl or whether they get very wet or not.

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It's funny I should find this thread this morning, as I just got through watching Moussa doing the same silly thing with a tiny (2 inch diameter) bowl of water! He kept flapping and carrying on like he was really getting wet, and he couldn't even get his whole foot in the bowl! I tried putting a larger dish on the counter and putting the tiny one in the larger one. He'd flap around and finally get brave enough to stick a toe in the larger dish, but wouldn't step in. Finished off the whole process with a good spray bath, which he didn't really appreciate. :)


Kim, do you like that hanging bird gym? I'm been looking around for a good one for Moussa. He loves to play on the hanging toys in the bird room, but the other birds give him such a hard time when he's in there, I figure he could use his own gym.


Re Edward: I am a big vampire genre fan and really glad to see some decent entertainment coming out lately in that genre. Edward is a cool character. I can't abide the "Oh, poor me, I'm going to live forever and I so want to be mortal and die" vampire characters.

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Babalu is on his new hanging play tree from Parrot Playworld. They have a website, but I got my off of ebay from them. I like it, it is lightweight, the material they make it with reminds me of rawhide. When I first got it, I was not expecting it to be hollow on the inside of the perches, but it seems pretty strong. He has chewing and biting the end where the bowl is and only left a little mark. As for the mess catcher, it has only caught about half of the poops. He tends to hang out on the outside perches facing in so the poops miss the catcher. They do make them without the catcher and I think it is cheaper too. I also put pictures of this stand in the toy and play-stand section. photo-7.jpgphoto-8.jpg

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