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I'm heartbroken :(

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Hello everyone, i'm hoping and praying that someone on this site can give me some much needed advice, my 6 year african grey escaped last night, she was spotted very close to where we live in a tree. I've walked the area a million times over, calling her name, hoping to either see her or hear her, is there anything anyone can tell what else i can do that will increase the chances off finding her. I don't know what else to do. Thank you

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Pauline, I'm so sorry to hear your sad sad news. I'm sure someone with more experience will be along soon, but in the meantime, here's a link to a recent thread (with a thankfully happy ending) where Elvenking and Isaac were in the same position. I hope it helps. xxx



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Please contact your neighbors and alert them to be on the lookout for your bird, put up posters in your neighborhood so people will know a bird is lost and if it shows up at their place then they will know who to call, call local vets or animal hospitals in case someone finds her and takes her there. We have some threads in the rescue room that may help with other ideas so do check them out.

I hope you find her but if you do sight her again do not let her out of your sight and enlist other family members to look for her too.

Also put her cage outside with the door open and food and water inside so if she happens to come back to your house she might see it and go inside.


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Thank you everyone, with have put up posters abd sent flyers everywhere, cage is in the front garden with water, food and her toys, going to phone vets, and petshops tomorow, because it's bank holiday monday here today. I havn't seen her at all today, she was last seen last night at 7pm, i fear the worse because we live near the sea and the area is plagued with seagulls, i've never felt so useless in my entire life x

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Pauline, I lost Pippa a year or so ago when she flew out the door. The first thing I did was call the vets, search the neighbourhood, made flyers. Within 7 hours someone found her, called the vets, who called me, and I was able to go an pick her up from 2 streets away.


I work at a vets, and in the UK if anyone finds a parrot they will probably call their local vets or the RSPCA straight away. Don't give up hope, keep going, will be thinking of you.

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Thanks Tweedle, as soon as they are open i'll be ringing in the morning, i've set my alarm for 5.30 am so i can go and look for her again, i hope to God i get her back, with having 4 sons, she was my little girl, i feel so god damn lost without her. x

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When you are walking take your grey's favorite food with you. Call out to your grey using words she will recognize. Example, when I want Ana Grey to come I say, "Come here, want a nut" and she usually comes a flying in for a treat. Mornings and evenings are good times to go looking for your lost baby. I pray you will find you grey quickly. Don't give up and keep looking and knocking on doors just in case someone has found her.

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This thread is current and loaded with advice...Our prayers are with you...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190550-My-Baby-Flew-Away-Dying



It moves me that my story is referenced...thank you guys. Super touching. it makes me cry when I read that thread. Because everything I am is there at those moments...I hope it can help find someone elses baby.

Edited by Elvenking
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Hi Pauline, sooo sorry to hear your baby has flown away. Contacting the schools is a good idea and could be well worth doing - kids do notice things. Where abouts are you - there may be some members on here who are nearby you and can keep a look out.

As well as vets and the R/SSPCA, (I'm assuming you're in the UK because of the Bank Holiday?) there are a couple of parrot societies who can help with finding missing birds

This Parrot Alert website isn't quite finished yet but there is a contact email and they may can still help you



Parrot Link has blogs



The Parrot Society has a database of lost and found



Contacting the local radio station is a good idea too.

Best of luck with finding her - hope to hear from you soon with some good news. xx

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I've been out this morning before dawn, calling her, i took her food with me too, called all the local vets and pet shops incase anybody has reported seeing her, its hard not to loose hope, she hasn't been seen since Sunday, i'm off now to widen my search and put up posters and flyers, thanks guys for all your kind words, it really means a lot xx

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Keep going! Even when it seems all is lost, keep going. You never know when you will talk to the next person, or look in the next bush, and get your girl back. We are all rooting for you. And as someone else said, perhaps other Northern Wales folks will contact you to help search.


Oh, another thing - I've noticed my Grey pays attention to certain sounds - is there a sound you know she responds to? With my greedy girl, it is the wrapping that spaghetti (and so many other foods) comes in. Take that item along when you are looking so that she can see it and hear it.


Keep going - we are all rooting for you and sending you support.



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I've noticed my Grey pays attention to certain sounds - is there a sound you know she responds to? With my greedy girl, it is the wrapping that spaghetti (and so many other foods) comes in. Take that item along when you are looking so that she can see it and hear it.

Thats an excellent idea >^..^<

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I've been out today and put up a load of MISSING posters, tomorrow i'm posting flyers, i appreciate everybodies help and advice, the 1 thing my Lucy goes crazy at is the sound of my diesel car when i come home, i have tried driving around calling her name, but can never hear her call because of my loud engine, i'm up again at 5.30 in the morning to call her, my house is empty without her, i miss her so much, thanks to everyone on here that have said so many kind things to me, you're all so very kind xxx

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SHES BEEN FOUND !!!! somebody saw one of my missing posters and he's had her in his house since yesterday afternoon, i have my girl home, i don't know whether to laugh or cry, i've picked her up and she hasn't got a blemish on her, she has just devoured a huge pot of seed, i'm the happiest girl alive, THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for me on this site, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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I'm here to stay, i'm going to fill out my profile, and upload some pictures of beautiful little girl, she was 2 1/2 miles from home, she is fast asleep now, she's booked in at the vets in the morning to have a check over. my home is alive again. I will never moan about her screaming ever again xxl

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Fantastic news Pauline! I can only imagine the elation you must have felt when you set eyes on her again. I can't say I've ever gone through the experience of losing a pet but I'm sure I would be devistated. I'm sure she must have been as happy to see you as you were to see her.I suspect you'll both sleep better tonight :)






SHES BEEN FOUND !!!! somebody saw one of my missing posters and he's had her in his house since yesterday afternoon, i have my girl home, i don't know whether to laugh or cry, i've picked her up and she hasn't got a blemish on her, she has just devoured a huge pot of seed, i'm the happiest girl alive, THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for me on this site, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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I can't describe how happy i was Mark, she just give me her usual little coo and bowed her head like she always does, she is such a sweet bird, no more half 5 starts in the morning going out calling her...phewww ! i am now gearing myself up to go and take down the 500 or so missing posters i put up around the town where i live.

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