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Need some urgent advice


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Hello. I just posted under the newbie section. Here's a quick version....... About 2 weeks ago I noticed that Smoky had some feathers missing under her right leg. About all she'll let you do is give scritches to her while she sits on the arm of your chair. Fully flighted also or was I should say was. One night while sitting on the arm of my chair I told her to step up which she always does. Suddenly she took off like a bat out of ____! She landed on the washer, very unusual place for her to go. Then she went to the kitchen table, more unusual. She would not let me or my boyfriend near her. She finally let me put her back in the cage. But every time we even started to pass the cage she would flip and flop and scream. My heart was breaking not knowing what in the world was going on! She was suddenly terrified of us. I waited about 3 days and then took her to the vet to find out what was going on. I figured it had to have something to do with the feathers missing from top right leg. We had never had her to the vet before.

What an experience. I was as stressed as Smoky was. It was horrible. I had to towel her inside her cage. She was squawking and flipping all over the place. I never want to have to do that again. At the vets wasn't a whole lot better. Of course they knew just how to hold her. As far as the leg....she had a cut that was on it's way to healing. He said all he could figure was that when she stepped up that paticular time she felt that skin pull just like you do if you have a cut healing. He gave her some calcium/vitamin shot, manicure and trimmed her wings. We decided since we really didn't know how she got the cut so to be safe we clipped the wings so she couldn't fly. Now I am beginning to wish we hadn't done that!! She refuses to come out of her cage, still does not want us near her. It's breaking my heart!! I just don't know really why she's this way or what to do about it. I open the cage door for her but to no avail! I did notice last night the she stood at the door opening just looking around. I feel that she's terrified of us of something, who knows?? Now she can't fly and I think her spirit has flipped. Please help with any suggestions because I want my Smoky back the way she was. Did I say she'll be 3 in Nov. Never had wings clipped before.

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Hi and Thank you. The road to recover can depend on your bird, You have to start from scratch to regain her trust. Leave her cage door open, sit by her cage and read, talk and sing to her, no sudden movements. Only you can judge when to try something new, like giving her a scritch or stepping up. The scare she had plus the clipping, can be very devastating to a 3 year old Grey, plus she's starting to mature....Be patience, time will guide you...

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Thank you so much for your reply. I just feel so bad........feeling it's my fault but I know it's really not. I'm anxious to get home from work today and every day to see what happens when I open the cage door. I'll try some reading tonight. Wonder what type of book she'd like????

It's not your fault, things happen, your on the right track, keep that attitude!!! Just walk over, speaking like nothing is wrong, [no matter her reaction] start reading, Woman's Day, Rolling Stone, Tolstoy, Sing some Opera, or, Country or maybe Some Dylan...Act like you've always been her companion....

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So sorry to hear this has happened and it is not your fault as it could have happened to any one of us but it doesn't matter what you read, it matters that you are there spending some time with her and building that trust again and she will come around in time just be patient with her and don't push for more than what she is ready to give.

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