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Ollie now...


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Hi All,


As of about 30 minutes ago, Ollie will now step up onto my arm. He wont do it on command yet, however I deffinately didn't expect that! He will sometimes do it if he is sat on top of his cage, however if he flies away from his cage, if i walk over, put my arm out he will step up. I say 'Step up' as i put my arm there to train him up to doing it on command.


Now I am going to take him into another room, away from his cage with some treats and try and work on it.


Tom :D

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Good stuff! As the others have said, small steps at a time. Keep working on building the conFIDence and trust of your bird, give him loads of praise when he (accidentally) does something you want him to, and he will soon grow in leaps and bounds.

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