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Giving up my parrot...


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Hi. I wasn't too sure on where to exactly put this, so I put it here!


I'm 17 - going off to college *next* year. And I'm pretty much the only reliable/good owner of my African Grey. My dad bought him - but abandoned him right after, so I started taking care of B.G./Baka Grey.


Right now I'm looking for a grey parrot rescue center to have someone adopt him - and I'm wondering where to find one in my area? As I'm getting into college it's becoming harder and harder to actually take great care of B.G. - and when I get out of college things will ONLY be tougher. :(


I have a year to get to know B.G.'s future owners and sort all of this out.


Might any of you have suggestions?

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I'm so sorry to hear that. You don't maybe have a friend or friend's parent or relative who might take him?


Locating a rescue in your area might be as easy as googling "rescues in *your town*" or you might have to call vets and animal shelters to see if they know of any.


How old is he? Can you post some info about him? You could try a few parrot sites as well, to see if anyone may be interested in taking him.

http://www.greyforums.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?24-Classifieds-Room is the classifieds here

http://www.parrotforums.com/birds-sale-free-good-home/ another site I visit


If your parents won't help you ship him, just specify it needs to be someone willing to drive to a certain meeting spot.

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It's interesting that you wrote this today. I was just at a gathering of friends and a new couple was there. I was talking about my parrot, Dorian, and all the joy he brings into my life. This couples eyes lit up and they expressed to me how badly they want a grey. They have contacted the rescue site here in Rochester, New York and they are number 77 on the list. They asked me to keep my eyes open for any Greys that need rescued. If you are at all interested in this endeavor, please get back to me. I can pass on the information and put you in touch with them. They are a very nice couple and I know they would give your Baka Grey a wonderful home. Thank you, Kevin

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He's a Congo, around 4 years old. He's decently sized and looks healthy (although, I *hate* it when he plucks out his back feather once in while)

I'll see if I can post a pic of him soon. Thanks for the good advice Rrrma~ I'll be looking at those sites and if you have any other ideas, feel free to let me know.



And on Kevin - I'll let you know if I end up giving him away anywhere near there; It might not be for half a year after all.


I actually want to get to know the people the people that are going to take after him - that's all. I bit too much to ask? =\

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