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Who's Talking????


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Dan made a statement awhile ago, that you had to listen to what your Grey was saying, how they were saying it, and in what language…Soooooooo, I’ve notice lately that our Greys [+ Salsa, Tango and Freddy] aren’t speaking as many full sentences! What’s going on?:confused:

So it seems were talking to them, answering them in English, but their com-mutating their desires to us in: English, Bird, single English words, and sounds, besides body language.

It appears that with all our birds, they have taught Maggie and I a efficient means of communications to satisfy their needs and make things between birds/people go smoothly, kind of a short hand….:P

Examples : “Can I have a kiss“, is now, “kiss” or “smack” [the sound of a kiss], “Come here” is now, “a click and head movement to the right”, “Shut-Up Salsa” is a loud “Clap” by Spock or Joey, wanting water, instead of “Good Water”, is “gurgle-gurgle”…etc, etc, etc……..There’s so much more.:eek:

The problem is, their abbreviating, and were answering or acting on what they have conditioned us to do!!!!! [smart Birds!!!] Were going back to full sentences/full speech, [if they’ll let us?]:confused:


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