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Female Eclectus characteristics


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The female is the dominant member of the Eclectus pair, the male is fairly stable in most circumstance, One note, they don't tolerate loud arguing and unruliness, which can lead to feather plucking and other disorders, there are very few in rescues as compared to other birds. A female is the flock leader over the male, other than that their very loving companions...Their wonderful to raise, their biggest problem is people "Cross Breeding " them, which is very wrong......Jayd

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Kura is the only female ekkie I know, personally. The few other ekkies I've known have been males. She's a rescue, about 4-1/2 y/o. I got her at about 1-1/2 y/o. I'd heard that females weren't friendly, but I just needed to rescue her. I already rescued an unfriendly grey, so what the heck.


If Kura is any example, I am constantly amazed at how wrong the hype is about female ekkies. She had a really tough hormonal thing this spring. She had a lousy start in the world. She has never truly bitten me, even once.


Otherwise, she's extremely well adjusted, even tempered (for a parrot) & lower energy compared to most parrot breeds. She's a cuddly muffin, in her own way. She preens my hair, leans against me, or holds my finger. She doesn't like to have scritches. She likes her beak & feet rubbed.


She loves to travel & meet new people. So far, she's gone to anyone I've let hold her. Quite a few of them have been very excited because they've never previously even held a bird. She is a great charmer & one of the sweetest tempered birds I've met.

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