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Reasons To have a Grey


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In no particular order:

A Greys beak is good for scratching nose itches.

If you are a fan of "Shabby Chic " they are a great help in redecorating.

They are brilliant at reminding you it is time to get a new keyboard.

If you share your food with your Grey, and you should, they will help you to a healthier diet.

They encourage you to keep breakables in safe places.

They make great document shredders.




Steve n Misty

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  • You have the time to spend with them daily out of the cage
  • You have researched and know you could provide all the physical and mental stimulation you and your grey would both learn and grow through
  • You wish to eat a healthier diet and share those foods with your grey
  • They will be a life long companion and perhaps even out live you
  • You enjoy puzzling over cause and effect, then applying what you have learned
  • You enjoy building toys out of wood, rope etc.
  • You would like to give all your wood furnishings, drapes, cloth and leathered furniture that unique antique look and feel.
  • You enjoy teaching a young child to speak, count and identify objects by and actions name or short phrase
  • You like having someone eat off your plate
  • You love having the same feeling of a toddler constantly pulling on your clothing for attention
  • You enjoy wondering what your young child is doing when you realize it's become deathly silent
  • You love the sound of anything that makes a loud CRASH-BANG-BONG- DING-DING-DING as it is thrown to the floor
  • You love being questioned and stared at until you give an answer
  • You love answering a young child Why, Why, Why?
  • You can take a bite and keep smiling and love them
  • You love cleaning up Poop just like you did with your young infant human child, but without the raunchy gagging smell.
  • You love the sound of a Pterodactyl screaming over head
  • You enjoy having to give a bath to a child throwing a fit the entire time
  • I think I'll stop, I need to rethink why I wanted a Grey... :P

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LOL, my kids understand that my fids replace them, otherwise I would be over at their homes and interfering in their lives, if I didn't have a new batch of kids/fids that need me more!!!!!! LOL Three kids now three fids, one for each of the same personality as each of my children. (One very serious, Sully, one a diva, Ana Grey, and my newest clown, Louie)!!! I am at peace!!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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Another reason to have a grey...


They will be your friend unconditionally. They don't hold grudges against you like some people do, and if you get a sharp nip, you probably deserve it! Then, after 5 minutes, the slight or insult is usually forgotten, and they are your loving friend again.

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I had too much time on my hands, wanted to get to know all the vets in my area better and to have someone here during the day to report to my husband my every move. LOL hahahahaa. Now, I mop my floors more often, clean my refrigerator every day, eat lots of healthy food. Having him in the house has prevented me from sliding into bad habits that are a byproduct of an empty nest, LOL. I had almost accepted the slide into bad language, junk food and general wickedness. LOL. Having a grey in the house makes me try really hard to be a better person. It looks like I may have to give up my favorite telemarketer deterrence program now too. After asking politely to be taken off the list, then giving fair warning that the next call will be met with unpleasantness, I have been known to test the smoke detector for "aversion therapy".... but now Kopi and Java sound like dueling smoke detectors. So, my number one reason to have a grey is to have help evolving into a a worthy companion for him. LOL. Thanks for starting this thread.

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