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I am Going to be an Amazon Parront!!!!! Hooray!!!!!


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:)I have finally found an amazon that I think will be right for me and fit in nicely with Ana Grey, my little diva!!! He is about 2 years old and is a Blue Front Amazon named Louie! He will be keeping the name Louie as he says it and I don't wish to confuse him. His female owner he calls "Mom" and she says he talks better than her greys. He is a little untamed at this time and has spent alot of time with their breeder greys as the husband has had a couple of heart attacks so they are down-sizing and have not had the time for Louie. I am all excited and because I will not be taking his cage I will be able to bring Louie home for $350. I am delighted as I have now purchased the cage I really rather have!!! An EZ cage which goes with my other two cages. Monday is the day I will be bringing Louie home. I have so much to do to make room for him in the bird room.





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I have a blue fronted amazon that I rehomed will be 2 years in Dec. She came to us with many troubles but has turned ouy to be a very sweet bird.

She is about 13 or 14 years old


Some photos and stories about her would be great to see :) I know this is a forum mainly for Greys but more Amazon posts would be fab! :)

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Thanks everyone. I am very excited. Louie has been around greys so I am assuming he will be okay with Ana Grey. Ana Grey is always pestering The Old Man, Sully, and he tolerates her stealing his food, he even moves over so she will feel comfortable in his cage stealing away. Ana Grey needs a friend so I am hoping Louie and she will be good for each other. Because of the health problems with the husband, who for some reason I think was the one who really cared for Louie, Louie is a little "untame" as the wife says. Louie is flighted, Hooray!!!! So once he has his vet visit and he is settled in I am hopeful he and Ana Grey will be zipping through the house and enjoying each others company. I understand Louie loves music so we'll see perhaps he and Captain Caruso, my canary, can have a duet or two. I am excited and, of course, a little worried because Ana Grey is my one true bird love and I don't want her to feel slighted. She is very independent so I think this will be a good thing. As for Louie, I have wanted an Amazon and a 2 year old Blue-Front, one of the three best talkers in the amazon world, for only $350 was just too good to pass up! There will be pictures as soon as I can manage it!!!! Thanks everyone, any suggestions on helping Louie settle in will be much appreciated!!!!

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He is beautiful and his prior owner said he also says some words in Hindu, although I haven't heard a word in any language yet. We'll see. They got him when he was 6 months old two years ago in June. So his hatchday is sometime in January so I am making him a New Year's baby and so next January 1st he will be three. I'm just delighted he is healthy, I stopped by the vet's on the way home and Ana Grey's vet says he is in top notch shape. I thought it was best to get all trauma done in one day so that now Louie can begin to bond with the fids and me. He is flighted so things should be very interesting around here once Louie is settled in.

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All sounds so good. It will all come together soon. As opposed to Grey's who fly gracefully, a Zon, flys more like a helicopter, tail down, lots of wing movement, and is only interested in getting where hi wants to go. But wait till he gets to entertaining himself, a true acrobat!! Thanks for the pictures.....

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He has already laid on his back in the bottom of his cage and flipped himself through his feet while hanging on to his new cage. He is eating slivers of carrots and beans right now. i have a feeling I am go to be in for a lot of great moments once Louie ( I really don't like this name so if he doesn't really say his name I just mignt change it, we'll see) and Ana Grey become friends. Fingers crossed!

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Salsa has a plastic chain, [large links] we got at a pet store, and we put a 3" birdy Wiffle ball on the end, he has more fun with that.. He also loves to eat whole leaves of Kale, Dandalion, mustard greens etc...Louie is adapting good. Keep us informed on how Ana Grey is doing, maybe a little stuck-up at first, They'll either get along or leave each other alone,LOL

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Let the fun times roll!! You will not have a dull moment with Louie around, they are real clowns and I am constantly laughing or smiling at Diego's antics. :D I love the name Louie! I think it's a really cute one after seeing the photos of him, suits him!


I can't wait to hear more about him, I'm sure it will not be long before you are posting stories of what he is getting up to. :)

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Aah Janet, he's gorgeous! If I didn't get Alfie, I would have gotten a blue front, I think they're magic.

How kind of Tully to try and make Ana Grey more comfortable while she is stealing his food LOL!! I imagine he will be happy that some of Ana Grey's attentions are directed elswhere for a bit! Thanks for the update and pics.

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Well, Louie's first word, "Hello". I am in the computer room and he is in the bird room and he is saying, "Hello". I have been answering him back. I spent the morning with my three parrots, singing to them and talking. Louie is eating well. His prior owner called last night to see how he was. We talked about what he likes to eat. He loves broccoli!!!!! I told her I feed fresh raw vegetables to my fids and she said so did she. She assures me that Louie is use to greys and liked to sit on their cages at her home. We will see. I am still waiting to let Louie out of his cage as he still is leery of me when I approach. But he is trying to communicate and I take that as a very good sign!!

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Louie has stopped hissing at me, so I decided to open his cage and let him out. First I put the other two parrots away. Ana Grey has been lunging at Louie and she seems to be jealous. Not a good thing. Anyway, I put her and Sully in their cages and opened Louie's cage up. He sat on his veggie bowl on the door for quite awhile and then climb around a little at the front of his cage and then back in his cage he went. All in all about half an hour or so of exploring. He didn't try to fly and I just sat and watched him explore. So a good start. Baby steps. Louie is eating well, he loves fresh veggies so I am delighted. Tomorrow is another day, we'll see how it goes.

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Well Louie, says Hello to me a lot when he wants me to come see him. Louie came off of his cage today to sit on Sully's cage. He won't let me touch or come too close but he does try to listen to me. He has been talking, he can wolf whistle and bark like a dog, and he does talk but in Hindi!!!! His prior owners are Hindu. I talked to his prior parront and she told me he can say, I love you and Here, kitty, kitty in English. He knows the word Mom. (He has his prior mom's accent. So I guess I am going to have to teach him more English. This should be a challenge. He is a great bird and he loves to eat. I am very happy with him and Ana Grey is getting use to having him around so hopefully all will go well.

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