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my beautiful 6 months old grey


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Hi every one.

My name is Aurora and I today after 2 weeks of searching I got my 6 months old grey home.

I do not know the if is a mail or a female ,all I know that on his/her ring are this numbers

H11 0627 10 02

The person from whom i got it he said that is 5 month old ,but according to the papers he /she is born in 02/2010

Have a lot of question ,but 2 are very important

I offer him/her all kind of fruits and vegetables ,but so far he/she accepts only apple and very little carrot( not any more lately)

In his cage I put a mixture of nuts and seeds ,but .....he/she refused

Did not drink any water for 10 hours and when I offer a fruit of a vegetable what he/she do not like makes a noise like the coffee machine when is ready the coffee.


I should tell from the begging that the person who sold me the grey got him/her from Hungary and kept him/her in one room with many other kind of parrots


How can I make him/her to drink water and eat something else then apple


I think about me taking him /her i my arms is to early to ask


thank you


any advice is welcome


sorry for my english(I am romanian)

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Your english is perfect.

Water--I guarantee you that he's drinking water. You may not see a lot gone but they don't drink such a large amount that you'd notice. Simply give fresh water everyday.

Your bird has been with you for an extremely short time and there's loads of things that you'll eventually see that will be new to you. That includes food, behavior, acceptance of others, getting used to a new environment. These things take quite a while to happen.

Food---There's many things that you can feed right now but I would stay away from a lot of fruits. They're acidic and a bird doesn't benefit from a large amount. As far as feeding veggies, you may have to prepare them in different ways until they appeal to him. never expect him to like all the different types of veggies that you offer. You'll eventually see his preferences.

Although some people may disagree, it's my opinion that you should buy a decent type of parrot mix along with a decent type of pellets and feed that. Use separate bowls and don't use large quantities. You see, your bird will eventually get hungry. I guarantee that too. Along with paerrot mix, pellets, veggies should be also given. The darker the better. You'll need to experiment and that takes a while. Right now, your bird is just getting comfortable with all the new things around him.

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Hello Aurora and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you have adopted a grey.

Keep offering him/her the veggies and they might not be eaten at first but keep offering them for sometimes they have to get used to them if they haven't had any before. He/she will drink soon but it is just taking some time to settle into a new home.

Yes it is way too early and maybe an impossibility to ever take him/her into your arms for this is an african grey and not a cockatoo, greys are not cuddle muffins and they may allow some handling but this will only happen after he/she gets used to you and learns to trust you so be patient.

Please read thru as many of the threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We love pictures here so if you have some of this grey you would share with us we would love to see them.

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thank you all again.


Is late here almost 11 pm and he/she start doing with his wings like the soldier when he salut his superior.

keeps on doing that every 5-6 seconds with one or both wings...and also like little jumping


is this ok????

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Not really like this ...it looked more like a nervous "salut" very quick move

Now is ok ....I am already introducing him/her other vegetable and fruits and seed and toys.

I leave the food on the stick he/she stay and I let him/her chose

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Welcome Aurora and Congratulations on your baby grey. :)


Dave and Judy gave great advice.


I few things I have observed, that Dave pointed out and I want to expand on a little. Offering a large variety of vegetables, legumes and gains is important. You will notice that your grey will pick through them, toss a lot, take a nibble, toss etc. They may eat an item one day and toss it the next, but then eat an item they did not the day or week before. I cannot explain the mentality behind this, but they seem to be like us humans in eating habits some what. Some times you feel like eating meat and potatoes, then the next meal you crave a salad of some type.


My grey for example will eat all the carrots out of the veggies I prepare and toss everything else with perhaps a small nibble. The next day he may eat Dandelion greens, a little broccoli and ignore the carrots. I think this gives you the picture briefly. Most love nuts like shelled peanuts, almonds and walnuts. They are also healthy for them in small quantities daily.


You should visit and read the articles posted in the food for great tips and advice.


Thanks for sharing the photo of your baby, he is beautiful. :)

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Hi Aurora. What a beautiful baby you have! Have you called him Pipo - do you think Pipo looks like a boy or a girl?

Giving a wide variety of fresh food is a good idea, but there are also some foods which you MUST avoid. These include


• Avocado

• Chocolate

• Alcohol

• Pits of any fruit (grape seeds ok)

• Raw or undercooked meat

• Uncooked eggs

• Onion

• Mushrooms

• Any food which has too much salt or sugar

• Any food that may have mold or may have spoiled

(including seeds)


Good luck with your new baby, and if there is anything else you need to know, or anything here which you don't understand, please do just ask. x

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Our second day together .


I will asume is a he and continue with that till I can go to Bucharest and do a DNA test.

Already discovered the food pot and he eat like his been starving for days.

Accepted the new toys and of course trying to brake it.

Still making like an expresso machine if I go closer with some food he do not like .


I there a visible difference between male or female ?

All I know that the 100% answer is in the DNA test and also a bit from the weight difference .


thank you again to all


and please do share with me if you have any similar experience with a Grey of 6-7 months who's past I do not know much about it


All I know is that he was hungry and I love him already


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Great to hear "he" is eating well and accepting his toys - please do give him plenty of toys to play with in his cage - he will need them to keep him healthy and happy - greys need a lot of stimulation. When introducing a new toy, do it slowly so as not to scare him.

There is no real visable difference between a boy and a girl - boys may be bigger but the only way to be sure is dna.

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Our second day together .


I will asume is a he and continue with that till I can go to Bucharest and do a DNA test.

Already discovered the food pot and he eat like his been starving for days.

Accepted the new toys and of course trying to brake it.

Still making like an expresso machine if I go closer with some food he do not like .


I there a visible difference between male or female ?

All I know that the 100% answer is in the DNA test and also a bit from the weight difference .


thank you again to all



and please do share with me if you have any similar experience with a Grey of 6-7 months who's past I do not know much about it


All I know is that he was hungry and I love him already

Your both beautiful:) No, other than DNA, no way to tell....:)

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with food we improved a lot ,now he has to stop trying to bite my hand when i go closer to his cage.

today he manage to brake first toy...and fall few times from his stick


attached one picture when I get my finger close to his cage with out food in my handDSCF1495.jpg

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I think the biting will lessen when he feels more at ease with you so be patient, just don't push things right now.

He will be breaking lots of toys, thats what they are supposed to do is destroy them, gives them something to occupy their mind.

He is cute in that picture but you can see it in his eyes that he is wary still.

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I read as muck I could ,but no where I found how to "translate " the number on his official document

ID is H11 0627 10 02

Reg. No HU/ATI/25388-4-1/2010


On his right are also the id numbers ..... and on vertical is 10-maybe it means 2010


Can anybody understand something from the numbers above and can tell me what is the date of birth of MY PIPO?


i know the person whom i got Pipo from brought Pipo in begging of summer from Hungary


thank you again to all

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