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Some advice for keeping him flighted?

Shades Of Grey

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I am happy to report that Tui's botched clip is starting to grow back in already. I am so relieved! Two flights have grown so far and he is molting. I may have a flighted fid on my hands in a couple months. I bet these new feathers will be so pretty. I have been feeding him palm oil and a good diet. He looks kind of "dull" right now. I will be glad when I can do away with all these pillows and the big duvet around his cage in my living room, how attractive LOL. It has caught a couple of his falls though.

Anyway, I believe Dave mentioned that there are ways to bird proof a room for a flighted grey even if the front door is in his room. Tui is located in the living room in the far corner. The front door is in the opposite corner of the room but the room is only about 16X22' give or take. Do you have any suggestions for leaving him flighted in this room. We have children who need to be reminded about coming in and out quickly when the animals are out. Tui really likes the front door and will ask to go there to look out and climb the curtain and he takes an interest when the door is opened. I wish there was somewhere else to place his cage but our home is fairly small. We hope to move soon, when I am done college.


Thanks for the tips:)

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Because your bird is in that *inbetween * stage, which is actually a bird that's slowly going from a clipped situation to an unclipped situation, adjustments have to be made. Your room is a nice size even if you don't think so. You keep your bird confined which is normal. You're worried about the kids so as far as the kids approaching your bird when going in, you should train your kids to make some noise before going in which is basically talking to each other. That lets the bird know that there's people around, near by and they're gonna come in. Before coming in the bird becomes alert and watches the area where they're gonna come from. It's not uncommon to do that. Sometimes it's actually necessary.

An example---my 3 pairs of breeders. They're enclosed ( door closed) and very intent on whatever they're doing. There comes those times when I need to feed and water them, check out their physical condition, look for any odd things that need to be fixed or corrected, cages needing to be cleaned,needing to see general behavior. So, when I'm going towards the door, I make sure that all of them first hear me talking so there's no surprises. I have to do this even though I've had the birds for years and all of them know me and my wife. Sometimes, there comes that time when not only the bird has to be trained but also the kids. Kids will be kids.

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Maybe you could get one of those beaded curtains and hang it in front of the door, put it on a rod and put something up above the door that you could just put it in front of the door when Tui is out, that way he won't be able to fly out the door when it is opened. I have heard of other members using those beaded curtains in doorways to keep their birds in a particular room or from being able to go all over the house. Just a suggestion.

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