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Any bare-eyed cockatoo people out there?


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Hi, everyone!



I have a bare-eyed cockatoo who I rescued several months ago. He is a sweet boy but .. well... messed up in the head. I really do think he has birdy PTSD and I wish I knew what to do to help him.



I have a decent amount of knowledge on cockatiels and African Greys and parrotlets but not as much specialized knowledge on bare-eyed cockatoos. I want to learn more about them but haven't found a whole lot of information out there on the Net or in books regarding these guys. (Mostly I find that cockatoos are talked about in a general sense, and not so much differentiated.)



My heart is broken for my little guy and I've been patiently waiting for him to hopefully be a little more comfortable but day after day, every day, he seems to be nothing but terrified, and I mean terrified, by life. I wish I knew how to help him yet I don't know what else to do for him. So I was hoping that someone out there might be able to steer me to a board similar to this one that caters to bare-eyed cockatoos.



By the way, if any of you saw the post from about a month or so ago by "babysweet" regarding the African Grey she rescued named Jakob, well, my little bare-eyed is very similar. He is traumatized and when I read the post by babysweet, I felt like I was reading about my own bird.



Any help or suggestions is very much appreciated. Thank you so much to all of you.




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Thank you, I have a large Triton and a Sulfur-Crested. I've raised and worked wit Bare-Eyed. you might want to look at my post's #33 and 37, the whole thread is great......http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page2


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