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African grey timneh vs solomon island eclectus vs blue and gold macaw


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You need to ask yourself what you are looking for in a parrot as each of these have different personalities, handling, feeding and such, what appeals to you about each one individually? None of the will be a better buy if you don't know what you want and please don't buy any until you figure it out, you should research thoroughly before you decide.

Do you currently have any other parrots or birds?

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I currently don't have any birds in the home. I won't be getting any bird anytime soon, until I finish deciding. I got about 4 different breeders in my mind and I am chatting with them to see. Currently I am thinking on getting a TAG first in about a year or so, then maybe an eclectus if I can give it the love it needs. And then a B&G macaw. But this will be in a couple years from now. Anyways, thanks! Can't wait till I can join the grey world! :)

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I have a wonderful sweet 2 year old TAG, Ana Grey, who has been my companion since she was 4 months old. I couldn't be happier with this adorable little fiend. She certainly is enough bird for a person to have as a first parrot. I did re-home an older ekkie who was a plucker. I have no idea how old he really is because he was found in a car wash about 9 years ago. He was re-homed about three times and always returned as he is a biter and screamer as well as a terrible plucker. Or should I say was a biter and screamer and seems to have stopped plucker. He is a sweet ekkie and just loves to watch and be part (in the same room) as the action. He will scream if he wants something, like to go to bed or see me. He prefers to sit in a cage, I have a couple of smaller cages in the busy rooms of my home which he will go to. He needs to be in his big cage for sleeping and he will go there on his own if I don't take him. He requires that the lights be out for bedtime. I don't know if this is normal for an ekkie or if this is just my ekkie because of his unusual and heartbreaking prior existence. A macaw is too much bird for me, so I have no experience with them. If I were to start again, I would still get my TAG first as she does something different everyday and is always full of it.

This lady knows first hand!!!!!! Thanks

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It sounds like you have a plan!! I have a CAG and I think out of the three you mention, I would go for a TAG just going by stories I've heard. But as Judy says, please do be absolutely certain before you make your purchase, as it will be a very expensive mistake if you decide after a few months that the bird you have chosen is not the bird for, and I don't mean expensive for your pocket, I mean for the birds emotional welfare. You've found an excellent site here to answer any queries you may have so please do take a good look through the old threads, ask any questions you may have - there are many members here and between them all can offer you first hand advice, as Janet has, on all three of your breeds. Good luck with your decision - make the right one and you will be rewarded with a lifetime companion who will surpass any expectations you may have of what it means to have a bird in your life.

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It sounds like you have a plan!! I have a CAG and I think out of the three you mention, I would go for a TAG just going by stories I've heard. But as Judy says, please do be absolutely certain before you make your purchase, as it will be a very expensive mistake if you decide after a few months that the bird you have chosen is not the bird for, and I don't mean expensive for your pocket, I mean for the birds emotional welfare. You've found an excellent site here to answer any queries you may have so please do take a good look through the old threads, ask any questions you may have - there are many members here and between them all can offer you first hand advice, as Janet has, on all three of your breeds. Good luck with your decision - make the right one and you will be rewarded with a lifetime companion who will surpass any expectations you may have of what it means to have a bird in your life.


Wonderful wisdom your receiving from all.....

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Thanks! I just have one remainding question. . . I have read that when some people first take their parrot home some leave the parrot in the cage for a couple of days to get used to the new environment while others wrap the parrot up in the towel and speaks to it softly in a quiet room when they first get the parrot home. So what is preferable when we first bring our parrot home? Is there anything else we do once we get our parrot? Thanks! You guys have been so helpful. The threads are great.

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Hi Arjadaga ! I had within the last year a rescue 16 year CAG named Cocoa that was birdnapped back from me and now have Zoeie, a cute little TAG I rescued who is letting me get to know Her more and more every day. I am by no means as knowledgeable as the fine people on this website but I must say, and please do not take this wrong, as I mean only good will for you and your prospective fledgeling as well, regardless the breed...... If a stanger took me to a new place and wrapped me in a towel n a quiet room and talked softly to me, They'd have to pay with blood when i got out of that towel ! Like I said, I mean absolutely no harm, just my own feelings.

I wish you much luck with whatever you chose to take care of for the rest of your life and I"ll be looking forward to hearing you share the stories of glee only a parrot can provide as I'm sure the others will as well.


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When you get your new parrot home put it into its cage and let it explore its cage a little then open the door and let him/her come out when they feel like it and talk softly to them all the while, don't crowd around the cage unless the bird is ok with it. I don't advise you to wrap them up in a towel as that will only make them mad and dislike you all the more, a towel is typically used by vets to be able to examine them but you can play some games with your bird when it settles into the home that will get your bird used to being around and in towels so the experience won't be as frightening when it happens by necessity.

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When you bring your new baby home, leave your cage door open, don't force anything on him, talk softly, read to him offer him a treat and see how he reacts! Some birds adapt fast some slow, if it's a older bird or a rescue, you never know, plus they are fickled and can change. No towel, only as a last resort. Please eliminate a Macaw from your list for a few years, you should be well experienced before attempting any Macaw... The same apply's to a rescue, especially a older Grey. I'm going to suggest to also consider a Amazon, most are low maintenance compared to the others, fair price and a good first large parrot.. Here's a link to read over, what ever you decide on, choose wisely, it's a life long commitment... Jayd



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When I brought my baby TAG home (he was shipped to me), I brought his crate in and was fortunate to have a cage big enough that I could put the crate right into the cage. I had a rope perch positioned directly above the crate. I put the crate into the cage and opened the door. I put a few sunflower seeds on the floor of the cage in front of the door, opened the door and let Neo decide what he wanted to do. My granddaughter and I visited the cage and talked to him but otherwise left him alone. Within 30 minutes he was out and exploring his new home. I really tried to make it as stress free as possible and I think it worked!

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