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Hello! The adorable little face you see in the picture, is Gandalf. He is new to my home, but is 5 years old. He talks quite well and seems to be happy here. I've had birds before, but nothing his size and I'm nervous about holding him and such. From what I've read, his behavior suggests that he's ready for me to have him step up, but I'm just uncertain.


Any advice or input you have would be WONDERFUL!!


Thanks so much!!!!

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Congrats on Gandalf


Try not to be nervous as he will sense this and not make him confident to step up on your hand as he will also be nervous and not sure. Talk to him and tell him what you want to do and ask him if he is ok with this and keep up the talk all the time while you ask him to step up. Then tell him what a good boy he is and praise him. Talking to him will also help to calm you down and take away the nervousness as you approach him. If at any stage you or he feel uncomfortable then just take a step back and try again...no need to force it, take your time he will let you know exactly what he wants to do just follow his cue.


If you are scared of being bitten then practice first having him step up onto a stick that you hold and once you feel comfortable with that then progress to the hand.


If you are nervous about holding a bird that size or dropping him then don't be he is an expert at knowing how to perch and make himself comfortable.


Just listen and watch his lead he will help you out in how to handle him.

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Jane's advice is very good, just remember that your new baby can sense if afraid or up set, you must relax and stay calm and reassure him that all is well...To start with, keep him down from your face, sometimes when they step-up for the first time on a new person, their unsure, and will beak you, that's not biting, it's using there beak as fingers, sometimes it's a little hard, just ignore it, set him down, walk away and calm down, come back and try again...Sit down with him, read to him, sing and just talk to build trust between each other, he has baggage that takes a while to un pack, your doing grey't, stay calm....Jayd

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Hello Crittergyrl and welcome to our family.

Go ahead and handle him if he is showing signs of acceptance to you and do not be afraid or he will know it, just move with confidence and don't hesitate and you will be surprised.

The others have given some good advice so put your fears aside and take what Gandalf is offering, his friendship.

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We're doing much better. He's taking treats from my hand without trying to bite me anymore. lol. I still haven't gotten to hold him, but I let him out of his cage to climb around as he likes so that he gets comfy with the place. He's in a main area, and while he can't see all the rooms, he knows where I am at all times. I'm in the middle of building him a perch, so I'm hoping that will help. I tried getting him to step up onto something, but he freaked out about that too. So, I'm just going to stick with using my hand and getting nibbled on until he trusts me.


I'm not worried that he'll fall, I'm just a sissy about being bitten! lol

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Yes, that is what I was referring to! I'll fix that as soon as I can!


It seems we've had a set back, but I don't understand it. He's flown off of his cage twice today to get away from me when I try to get him to step up. And once on the ground, it's impossible to get him. Unless I towel him... which I absolutely hate. When I have to use that method, I spend a little while holding him and scratching his head while I talk to him.... which he doesn't even seem to notice because he's so busy growling and chewing on the towel. I don't know what to do! :-( I hate upsetting him by toweling him, but if I put on a glove, he starts growling and grunting even more. And when I try bare handed, I just get bit. I don't know what to do. :-(

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hi critergyrl.


I have exactly the same problem ,only my baby is 7 months old.

From what I read so far, we need to wait for him to get confident and come to us ...mean while keep talking with him and give him treats .

Do not know how much will take till we can hold and kiss them ,but I am willing to wait for him to show me that he wants to step up on my hands .

When ever is on the floor ,I sitt down too and keep talking to him nicely .

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Hi Crittergirl,


You have an older Grey that needs some time to adjust to everything in the house, not just you. So Gandolf is soaking everything in, seeing how things flow, getting used to sounds and determining who you are, your emotions (I swear they are telepathic) so if you are nervous, afraid etc. they pick up on it instantly and react accordingly.


Gloves are the worst thing you could put on, they scare the heck out of most birds. Toweling is also something you want to avoid when possible and the easiest way to avoid it, is to avoid any situation that will send him flapping down to the floor.


The cage is his only place of security that he feels even the remotest safe in or on. So you need to watch his body language very carefully as you approach and watch for any feathers fluffing, head down, eyes pinning etc. When you see that stop, you are entering his comfort zone and if you continue and especially if you start reaching for him, he is going to jump to what he considers a safer place, namely anywhere away from you, the threat he perceives.


It will takes weeks of patience just being as close as you see he is comfortable with, talking to him, watching tv, listening to the radio etc. near him probably sitting in a chair or something. He will eventually start getting closer to you and he will determine when the day comes he will touch you on his own and perhaps even climb down and walk to you. Just slow and easy is the best advice I can offer. It is the only way you will ever build trust with Gandolf.

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Patience is a virtue that I only seem to possess when it comes to animals. He's in the center of my apartment. He's in part of the living room that looks down the hall way, and into every part of the house. He can't see in every room, but he can see where I'm going and know where I'm at at all times. He's picking up words and phrases I use, and even started whistling like the train a few miles from here. Thank God it's so far away, so he just does it quietly, lol. I'm considering on how best to move some things around to make him more in the center of things. I'm sure he is a little nervous here as I've been sick for a week now. I give him treats, talk to him, make him toys, and am building a perch for him. The perch scares him, so it's just sitting there for now. He is getting more comfortable with me and seems to really liven up when I sing. I'm trying to find the "Rubber Duckie" song so I can teach it to him. I've had to towel him to get him back on his cage, and I hate that. I don't even have to be near him and he just flaps to the ground. He'll step up at first, but as soon as I start to move, he freaks out and flies off again and then he just growls and bites me. He doesn't break the skin or leave any marks, so I'm taking that as encouragement. I don't want to just sit on the ground with him because he starts to get aggravated and chews on whatever he can reach... electrical cords and furniture and the carpet. I'm afraid he'll get shocked or ingest a chemical from the carpet cleaner they use here.


We'll get there, but it's going to take time. I'm hoping by this time next year, I'll be able to take him out and about with me. Any tips anyone has are very welcome! Thanks for everything so far!! :-)


Angela, Roxy, & Gandalf

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