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Need help helping her gain weight.


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I just posted my novel of an introduction and now I need some advice.


Norma came to me almost 2 months ago as a breeder bird on a high protein and fat seed diet. She was kept in a chicken wire breeder cage and never allowed out, she didn't have toys and she didn't much like her mate.


Since being in my house she has gotten a new cage and a new diet and lots of toys. She is very active and she eats very different. I've been trying to do a lot of research, I was apparently a bit undereducated when I took her in. I have had an Eclectus for almost 2 years and I am used to her low fat diet. I know Norma needs much more and I have been trying to offer that without offering unhealthy options.


Apparently I wasn't offering enough because she dropped a noticeable amount of weight with the exercising and new food and it was the end of her breeding cycle and I think she is beginning a molt.


I took her to the vet and everything came back normal except her plasma protein. The vet believes that is because of her change in diet and loss of weight. He recommended I give her 1/3-1/2 teaspoon a day of egg, yogurt, or cheese. She is already on Harrison's pellets and gets a variety of fresh foods.


I need some help to try and get her fattened back up. Her current weight is ~460. I am weighing her every morning to make sure she doesn't drop any more. Since adding the daily dose of egg/yogurt and the occasional chicken bone she has gained maybe 5-10 consistent grams.


I feel like she isn't getting everything she needs though. So maybe you can help?


I try to offer them a rainbow of wet foods, both cooked and not. Here are some examples of what we are having this week:

Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole oatmeal, millet and quinoa - all cooked

Corn, white potato, egg, yogurt, pineapple

Sweet potato, orange peppers, carrots

Red peppers, craisins, grapes

Kale, green peppers, peas


Every day they get home sprouted seeds and beans such as:

Black eyed peas, chickpeas, lintels, adzuki beans, barley, miller, quinoa, alfalfa, radish, clover


Then at all times of the day they have dry food available to them.

They are offered a handful of different pellets and Harrison's seems to be the favorite across the board. I will continue offering the variety of pellets until we run out of the less liked brands.

Mazuri, Lafeber, and Roudybush are the others.

They also get a scoop of dry herbs/flowers and a tablespoon of seeds/nuts. They tend to just eat the Harrison's and pick through everything else.


Norma also gets some crushed cuddlebone in her dry food bowl and a chicken wing/leg on the days she doesn't get egg/yogurt.


I've had her since July 3rd and that is when she started the new diet. Since August 7/8th I have been trying to increase her fat/protein intake and weighing her daily. I guess that would be a little over 2 weeks and she has gained a little, but it is very little.


I'm just worried I'm not feeding her enough of the right stuff. What do you guys suggest? I picked up some cottage cheese at the store to try as well.

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460 gms is the average weight of a grey. All of the things you're feeding will mainly make your bird very healthy but the amount of weight gain will be small. All grey's weight constantly vary. ***I give her 1/3-1/2 teaspoon a day of egg, yogurt, or cheese.** That'll increase calcium intake which is more important than gaining more weight especially when the bird is already at that generaly correct weight. If the bird was a breeder, more than likely, that was the cause of some weight loss. Breeders' diet requirements are different than pet birds. Without the proper diet they will lose weight. Their bodies need constant bolstering. Their bodies do much more work than the average pet grey.

As I said, the vet is on the mark as far as what to feed. If your bird is eating most of the things you just named, you should feel fortunate. Many birds who've been on a fixed diet for a long period of time won't accept drastic changes in the food they're being fed.

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She is definitely underweight though. Her keel is visibly sharp when you look at her and it is very pronounced when you feel it. He feels she needs to gain weight too. She was of good weight when I brought her home. I think 500 is probably her ideal weight. She is quite large/tall for a CAG as well.


I am very lucky that she likes everything. She eats about anything. I think she thinks EVERYTHING is a treat lol!


I guess just keep on feeding her the same stuff and make sure she gets egg/yogurt/bone every day. I know she will probably bulk up when it starts cooling down, it has been 100F+ all month.

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As Dave said, she's at a good average weight.. If I may, Give her very little white potato, feed her a half teaspoon of Skippy's natural peanut butter 2 times a day,[they love it from a spoon, Cook her a white or orange sweet potato [ cut in half add half water and cook till mush in microwave.] It's not unusual at her age to notice her keel bone. 2 to 3 times a week give her well cooked white meat chicken [only], salmon and or tuna in water, low sodium. Only Low sulfur craisin's raisin's, cut down on most of the fruit, and I'd cut the egg to 3 times per week, as well corn, very little food value in corn. 1 Bean's and rice makes a complete protein...I'm sure your keeping her temperatures in the 72 to 82 range..


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If I may, Give her very little white potato, feed her a half teaspoon of Skippy's natural peanut butter 2 times a day

She does get white potato, but only have added it recently. I made her a peanut butter sandwich last night and she enjoyed that. Luckily skippy natural and organic wheat bread is what I eat lol!

Cook her a white or orange sweet potato [ cut in half add half water and cook till mush in microwave.]

She does get sweet potato and also pumpkin(not as often as sweet potato)

It's not unusual at her age to notice her keel bone.

It is the fact she was of a really good weight when I brought her home. She was very muscular and solid, but then she lost weight with the diet change.

2 to 3 times a week give her well cooked white meat chicken [only], salmon and or tuna in water, low sodium.

Hmm, fish... hadn't considered that.

Only Low sulfur craisin's raisin's, cut down on most of the fruit

check on the craisins and should I cut the fruit down to every other day? Right now she gets a piece of fruit a day. Either a grape or a grape sized piece of apple or some craisins. Fresh corn they don't get often, but organic dried blue/purple corn is in their dry bowl every day.

I'm sure your keeping her temperatures in the 72 to 82 range..

Actually no... does it need to be? I keep the air conditioner on 82 and I know the house is hotter than that depending on where the sun is. There is a ceiling fan in every room and they have an air purifier that blows air at the ceiling. She is used to being outside in our heat, so I assume that my house is going to be cooler than where she has been living... even if my house doesn't sound very cool. The only way I could adjust it would be to turn my AC down or put a fan blowing right at them, neither of which sound very comfortable.

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She does get white potato, but only have added it recently. I made her a peanut butter sandwich last night and she enjoyed that. Luckily skippy natural and organic wheat bread is what I eat lol! Grey't


She does get sweet potato and also pumpkin(not as often as sweet potato) Grey't


It is the fact she was of a really good weight when I brought her home. She was very muscular and solid, but then she lost weight with the diet change. ? Must be change,maybe more active..


Hmm, fish... hadn't considered that. D3/Calcium


check on the craisins and should I cut the fruit down to every other day? Right now she gets a piece of fruit a day. Either a grape or a grape sized piece of apple or some craisins. Fresh corn they don't get often, but organic dried blue/purple corn is in their dry bowl every day. Craisens[?] Very little corn, dried corn ?[possibly mold?] I like 1 grape or apple a day.....

Actually no... does it need to be? I keep the air conditioner on 82 and I know the house is hotter than that depending on where the sun is. There is a ceiling fan in every room and they have an air purifier that blows air at the ceiling. She is used to being outside in our heat, so I assume that my house is going to be cooler than where she has been living... even if my house doesn't sound very cool. The only way I could adjust it would be to turn my AC down or put a fan blowing right at them, neither of which sound very comfortable.

Yes, their temps should be in low 80's, our outside night temp is 100+ and our days are in the 130's... We don't take our fid's out above 87... 85 AVG is a nice temp,....Sound's good, Thank you, Jayd

NOTE: A1/2 teaspoon of sunflower seeds a day plus a couple of almonds...

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Yes she is way more active, plus she was on a high fat/protein breeder formula, even though she never allowed herself to be bred. And now she is on a healthier diet with less fat. She used to sit in a cage all day with a single wooden dowel perch and do nothing, not he has lots of toys and obstacles and a playgym.


Temperature is a little concerning. I don't run the AC much in the summer nor the heat much in the winter. AC is usually on 82 and heat is usually on 68. Summers here are hot and humid. Averaging 95F+ with 70%+ humidity. Winters are usually in the 50-60F range with lower humidity.


Norma has lived outside in a barn most of her life in an area not too far from me... So I would guess she is used to our weather, but should I worry?

Edited by Rrrma
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Temperature is a little concerning. I don't run the AC much in the summer nor the heat much in the winter. AC is usually on 82 and heat is usually on 68. Summers here are hot and humid. Averaging 95F+ with 70%+ humidity. Winters are usually in the 50-60F range with lower humidity.


Norma has lived outside in a barn most of her life in an area not too far from me... So I would guess she is used to our weather, but should I worry?


:confused: I can't honestly answer that, we keep our temperature at 72-78 year round, Now she's in a house and everything is different, Did she acclimate, being outside? I can't say, I know you should never have a rapid change, our fids look distressed if the temp rises above 83.....:)


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She seems to have adjusted fine, the only problem we have had is the weight loss, which the vet believes is from the diet change.


I guess she is probably used to rapid temperature changes as well, spending 8+ years in a barn when we have 100F days and 70F nights.


The way I do my central H&A is the temperature inside is set at the same thing all day long.

Throughout the year I keep the temperature the same as what it is outside(usually just turn the system off as it will stay constant through the day), unless the outside temp rises above 82F or drops below 68F.


82 on my thermostat is what is cool and comfortable and 68 on my thermostat is what is warm and comfortable.

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