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Looking for lots of advice on an older bird.


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Hi there, wasn't sure what to name my thread. I thought I'd introduce myself first. My name is Sara and I recently became the new birdma to a Congo African Grey named Norma. Norma is about 13-14 years old, and comes from a rough background.


She was born to a breeder who owned her parents and decided to keep her as a pet. He kept her in the house until she became of sexual maturity and for one reason or another decided to turn her into a breeder instead. From what I was told, he tried for 5 years to breed her and she would never do it. He DNA sexed her to make sure she was female, and in the end sold her to a breeder in another state(my state) who was certain he could get her to breed.

This breeder takes pretty decent care of his birds. He quarantines them, deworms and gives them some sort of detox(I forget the name now, but my vet recognized it) before introducing them to the flock. He doesn't feed them the best way though, they all get a seed mix that is good for breeders and a vitamin supplement. He said it had been 20 months since the last time he get a new addition to the flock.

He said he tried for almost 8 years with Norma and even had her DNA sexed again just to make sure she was female and they didn't mix it up. Her thing was she would go through all the process except let the male on her. As soon as a male got anywhere close to her back she'd hide it and run off. She just had nothing of it. She was very interested in people and would much rather socialize with them than with anything else. I figure this is because she was originally a handfed parrot in a home and that is what she really knows.


I think I could type for days to explain all of this, but I will try to keep it short.

I rescued an Eclectus a couple years ago from a tough situation. She grew up with an African Grey named Cocoa and when their owner suddenly died they were placed in separate homes.

When Rosie came to live with me she attached to my talking budgerigar and they were like best friends. At the end of last year Ranger(the parakeet) passed away and this really broke Rosie's heart. I tried everything I could think of to make her happy, but she was very depressed and I was losing her.

I searched everywhere for Cocoa in hopes of finding her and being able to reunite them. Rosie talked of Cocoa all the time, so I knew she still remembered her. I was never able to find her, but in all my searching I came across a craigslist post of this breeder's who explained Norma's story. I figured it was worth a shot to go meet her, see if she might fit in at our house.


I'd always wanted a CAG. There is one at a local petstore that is kind of their display parrot(he is 8/9 now). I've known since he was being handfed and I am one of the few people he likes. I've many times begged them to let me take him home or if they ever decide to sell the place, let me know. He has a lot of offers like that though, of course. So when I saw there might be hope of finding Rosie a friend and fulfilling my wish of having a CAG I drove up state to meet Norma.


Well let me just tell you that the chemistry between the two of as at first meet was like *BAM* lol! She was one of maybe 15 greys there, but we instantly spotted each other and wanted to touch each other. I let her lick my fingers a little and she said her hellos.


On the drive up there I thought I'd just meet a whole bunch of cool birds and come home empty handed, but I was wrong. That spark just can't be ignored. I've had it with every one of my pets and it is just amazing feeling. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about!


I brought her home that following Saturday and she has adjusted so well to being in the house. She seems to be very interested in Rosie and Rosie keeps calling her Cocoa lol! Rosie has stopped plucking and returned to being her old self, and Norma... you would never think she had been in a breeder cage for almost her whole life!(and according to the breeder, never even outside of her last cage for 6 years) She is no longer fearful of new objects and is very interested in everything. She talks up a storm and seems very happy.


Gah I could keep going on and on! Anyway, it has been almost 2 months since bringing her home, she has been to a vet and checked out. Everything but her plasma protein was normal and that is one reason I came here. I've joined a couple of general parrot forums and they have been helpful, but I thought maybe you guys could help more. I'll start a new thread in the food area for that.


So sorry for the uber long post! Here is a picture ;)



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Welcome Sara and Flock.


What a wonderful story to read. :)


I love the way the two of you just had that "Spark" the moment you met and it has continued since bringing her home. Norma is going to enjoy a life filled with love, the companionship she has always yearned for and live a wonderful life in her new home with you.


Thanks for the photo, she looks great. I look forward to reading much more from you.

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