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So now he really LOVES me ....eeek

Shades Of Grey

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I posted yesterday that Tui is warming up to me :). Apparently he's an easy catch because after a couple pets on the head, he has decided he is in love. While I think he is a gorgeous looking creature, unfortunately he's not quite my type LOL :P.

It started last night when he was rubbing his head all over my chair and asking for a scratch. He put his head down so far that he was almost lying on his back. It was cute. I pet his head by his cere and he kept grabbing my finger with his foot. He was moving his mouth like he was tasting something and started making weird sounds. At first I thought he was scared or choking or something.. :rolleyes: When he dropped his wings and did the "sexy wing" I knew he was in love. At this time he was not interested in returning to his cage. I walked away for a minute then tried again to step him up. He bit the perch and tried to go for my hand. We did manage to get him back to the cage but at that moment he wasn't feeling cooperative. I am just wondering if I handled the situation right by walking away and what should I be doing in that moment when he gets like that. Should I be extra cautious of being bitten when he is acting hormonal, what is typical?

I know about only petting him only on the head and making sure he gets 12 hours of sleep. I would hate to think that I need to stop petting him as he just started letting me do it. He is a 3 year old male who is probably just starting to become hormonal. Part of me wonders if that is why the previous owner rehomed him :confused: Its funny that she developed allergies after two years with him, I just wonder.


Any advice on how you handle the hormones would be most helpful :)

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My grey does that too Amanda, she will grab my hand with her foot and then the noises will start, I just walk away for you don't want to encourage that any or it will frustrate them and then the biting will occur when you don't deliver. You are doing the right thing by walking away and ignoring it, it is fine to pet their head but leave the wings, back and anywhere near the tail area alone for now. Just say thank you but no thanks!

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My Moussa did the wing-drooping, panting, oh, I love you, I love you, I love you s-o-o-o much thing to me when he was just about 5 months old. Surely not hormonal yet! I think he's just been watching too much TV; it's such a bad influence on the kids! :)

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Josey is a little over 4 years old now, not sexually mature but certainly aware and she has been showing signs of the wing drooping, panting and such this year for the first time so I know when to leave her alone for there is nothing worse than being sexually frustrated, well maybe not the worst but close, you get the idea. :o:p

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My Moussa did the wing-drooping, panting, oh, I love you, I love you, I love you s-o-o-o much thing to me when he was just about 5 months old. Surely not hormonal yet! I think he's just been watching too much TV; it's such a bad influence on the kids! :)


Believe it or not, Loki is doing this already too and she is just a wee baby! I get the whole thing, wing drooping, panting, weird noises, grabbing my finger and pulling it to her mouth, etc. I try to distract her but if that doesn't work I usually place her on a gym or the top of her cage or something and go about my business for a few minutes.

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This all makes me wonder if there is some kind of relationship between baby begging and sexual begging.:confused:


I thought it was kind of interesting that my male blue-crown conure attempted mating behavior with his sister at 6 mos., and I haven't seen that sort of behavior since, even though they are over 2 years old now.

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