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Help my baby has started to bite


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I have not been on here for awhile as some of you know. My Gray's name is Ollie and we were getting along great. But recently he started to bite, not just nip. He is 3 years old and we hand fed him, so he was a baby when we got him. His best friend is a Goffin and they have been together since almost birth, so That's not the problem.


Sometimes he will come right out of his cage to go outside in our avairy and then sometimes he tries to take my hand off, so I leave him alone and go back later. This works some, but there has been days he has stayed in his cage with his door open.


I have noticed my Goffin bitting or nipping also


Any Suggestions

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Ollie is getting more independent and is trying to tell you he doesn't want to be bothered at that particular moment and you have to respect that, sometimes we ourselves don't want to be bothered but we can convey with words, they use their beak, just don't take offense to it when he does that, just try later and he may be more receptive.

They can have their good days and bad days just like we do and they are not like cats and dogs that pretty much welcome hands on attention at any time, when he bites just say no bite and turn and walk away for a bit then maybe later he will be more receptive.

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Judy's spot on. He is growing into adulthood and the baby grey is slowly vanishing. My Grey Dayo is 3 also and he has cuddle muffin days, let me sit and pnder the universe days, Lets play and then I nail you days and then of course are the previously mentioned rolled into one days. Just get very good at reading his body language and ASK before you physically engage, you'll be able to tell by his body stance if he wants what you just described. :-)

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Thanks all I kinda of figured that.


Tonight was a scary night we were sitting on the back porch with our Goffin and our other Gray on top of his cage on the porch when a Hawk dove down from our sides to try for the Gray. The Goffin flew into a tree and the Gray dove straight to the ground. So for all just be careful. We never saw the hawk until it was almost to late.

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