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Grey number 2 on the way!


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Hi everyone! Haven't posted on here much, but the information I've read on here has been extremely helpful! We are expecting a new Grey in our household. I bought my current Grey, Echo, last year. I decided she just had to have a brother. We are currently waiting on Thumper to wean. He is down to one hand feeding a day, so it shouldn't be long. I have been visiting weekly since Thumper was three weeks old. It has been a great experience! Echo was already four months old by the time I found the right breeder, so I didn't get to go through this experience with her. She has gone with me the last two weeks to visit Thumper. She seems very excited. I've been reading everything I can find on bringing a second bird into the home, but I'd love any helpful hints any of you may have!

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Congrats and you will have so much fun with 2 greys, you will see a whole other side to your birds that is truely amazing.


As for advice...just enjoy and follow their lead when it comes to them getting on, they will tell you exactly what they are comfortable with and what they want......oh yeah and don't be surprised if Echo teaches Thumper things that you wish she wouldn't

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As Jane said, they will lead the path and determine how the flock will all interact. It's wonderful that you have been taking Echo wit you and see excite in him during the meetings.


I am looking forward to hearing updates and seeing I suspect the ton of photos you've taken on your visits.... come on, you know you have!! :)

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How exciting for you! Just remember to do things for Echo first- always greet her first, feed her first, etc. She needs to know she hasn't lost status in your flock when you bring the new baby home. I hope you enjoy your new baby grey!

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Thank you so much everyone! I'm counting down the days. The breeder thinks he may be ready by next week. We will see! As far as pictures, maybe you can give me some advice as well. I've spent hours upon hours trying to upload photos here with no luck. The first time I tried months ago, someone recommended photo bucket because my pictures were too large. I did that with little success. got the right size pictures but can't seem to get them on here. I did finally, get a picture of Echo up when I go to my profile, but it doesn't come up when I post comments. I have felt like a complete idiot trying to do this! I don't know what I'm doing wrong! So with all that said, you may get to see pictures of my two one of these days!

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