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Veggie Baby food

Guest ashez

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I know in previous posts, it is said that baby food is allowed. I'm unable to find the given thread now so I decided to post one of my own. Shaddix doesn't really care to eat any veggies, but when I give it to him in baby food form, he loves it. My question is, how much can he get of this a day? I have the 2oz containers of green beans, carrots and sweet potatoes.


Thanks for the help!!

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Hi,when it comes to processed baby food, it's best to get organic, you must also check for salt, and iron, both should be low. It is far better to get a blender and make your own. Carrots should be slightly steamed to bring out the nutrients, sweet potatoes/white or orange should be cooked till mush, than feed [no skin] as is.. here's our recipe that we feed our fids from babies up, twice a day...jayd

:cool:We Feed Our Fid's!!!


Breakfast and Dinner: Yum, they gets, Yellow or Red Sweet-potato, [cut, put in pan, fill 1/2 full with water, cook till mushy] then we add to 1 tbsp: Natural unsweetened Applesauce, or, mashed Fresh Pear,[1 thin slice], or, 1 slice of Banana, to this we ad 1/4 teasp of "Natural Peanut Butter" [skippys], mix it all together, warm it in a microwave,[under 110 degrees]. This is served on a saucer along with: 1 tbsp each of lightly cooked, Lentils, Split Peas,[yellow or green] Orzo and Star pasta, and 4-10 Cooked plain Garbanzo beans.:o


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  • 3 weeks later...

Jayd, your mash sounds delicious! I need to check in more regularly on this forum :)


ashesz, I give my birds about a teaspoon of baby food mixed into their food daily for breakfast and dinner. This is just enough to coat the veggies/sprouts/cooked mix that they get as their regular diet, not so much as to make bird soup. The birds love it. If I want them to eat something new, I put it in with the baby food. I don't use it exclusively as a replacement for fresh veggies but more like salad dressing. I generally buy Earth's Best and if not that, whatever brand is all organic. I usually stick to the sweet potatoes, mango-bananas, and apple-blueberry flavors. I have found my fids DO NOT find find peas, brown rice or carrots all that appetizing in baby food :) Like Jayd said, pay attention to sodium and iron content.


Also, as a side note my vet cautioned me awhile back on feeding too much "cooked" or "mushy" foods. She said the birds need lots of crunchy, whole foods in order to process properly in their stomachs. If they get only soft foods the stomach muscles get weak, and food can start to go rancid while it waits to be digested. Rancid food = bacterial infection. So just remember to add lots of fresh veggies and/or sprouts along with everything else!

Edited by zandische
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Thank you, this is a copy of the rest of what our fids get in a day...Jayd

Fresh Veggie Time!!!;)

Each bird gets, depending on what there favorite is: Some Chopped Dark Green Leafy veggie, slice or 2 of Squash, [Zucchini, Yellow, Chayote] 1-2 Grapes, A couple Pieces of Pepper, [Red, Yellow, Orange, Anaheim, etc] 1-2 Sweet Peas in pod. Once or twice a week they get their Egg, cooked Corn on the Cob, Chicken Drum Stick, Bites of Turkey and Fish.

Seed and Pellets are kept in there cage after dinner till breakfast!


Note: this alone, with Dark Green Leafy veggies, and Sunlight for Calcium absorption,has more dietary needs then pellets or seeds! Ad a little Protein, ie: White Chicken/Turkey/Salmon/Tuna, and a Well Done Hard boiled egg, shell and all, a couple times a week for a complete healthy diet. Keep a little pellets and seeds available, our large fid's are given approx 1/8 cup a day.:rolleyes:



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Also, as a side note my vet cautioned me awhile back on feeding too much "cooked" or "mushy" foods. She said the birds need lots of crunchy, whole foods in order to process properly in their stomachs. If they get only soft foods the stomach muscles get weak, and food can start to go rancid while it waits to be digested. Rancid food = bacterial infection. So just remember to add lots of fresh veggies and/or sprouts along with everything else!


This has worried me a bit as Diego really does not seem keen in eating veggies unless they are mushed up. I give him fresh veggies everyday but do end up throwing them out as he will try one then leave the rest. I'm hoping that as he also eats the pellets and seeds between his mashes that this keeps his stomach muscles stronger?

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Scuse my ignorance there Jayd but what are your fids eating there? It looks like some kind of lettuce?

The only ignorance involved here is mine, I have to wait till Maggie get's home to tell me...LOL..I believe there mustard greens, we give our fid's, Collard, Mustard, Dandelion and Turnip greens, plus Beet and carrot tops, and Bok-Choy leaves, they also like Broccoli stems. The only lettuce we give them is Romaine.... Thanks Azzie....


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Jay is there a reason why you only give them the stem of the broccoli? I give Diego the stem and flower top is this OK?

Hi, sorry I worded it wrong... we give both the "Flower and the Stem", there both great for them. Most people don't give the stem, the stem has different amounts of nutrient then the flower, they both supply much needed nutrients for our fid's, as a side benefit, they chew on the stem and it keeps them occupied, a healthy foot toy...lol....The flower is the best part, everything is pumped to it first.We give it to them raw, soaked it Organic Apple Cider Vinegar......Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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