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Great progress with Tui!

Shades Of Grey

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I am so happy with Tui lately. He is really warming up to me, but not my husband yet. My husband isn't interacting with him as much so Tui wil bond with me first. I would be heart broken if he picked my husband over me LOL. We started bonding more a few days ago when I was cleaning his cage at bedtime. He started making kissing noises to the cloth and trying to bite it. We played tug of war then he made kissing noises to me and leaned forward. I took a deep breath and leaned in for a kiss, wondering the whole time if I was going to make it with my lips intact LOL. He gave a nice kiss several times with no signs of aggression . Since then, every night he has been giving kisses and even asking for an occasional scritch through the bars. Today Tui asked for a kiss while he was out of his cage. It was a big step because the bars weren't there for security..any my safety . I gave him kisses again with no problems. Later, he was out on my recliner, trying to tear it apart, the little devil LOL. He started rubbing his head all over it and bending down for a scritch. I brought my hand close and watched his reaction. He brought his head right over and gently beaked my hand. I gave him his first real pet, it was heartwarming..and just a touch scary as I am just starting to get used to reading his body language. Since I pet him, he has been making kissing noises and saying "where's my kisses?" and "scratch?". It's so sweet. I know he is going to be the biggest suck, I am just delighted!


I have some adjusting to do, but in a good way. Before he wanted to be on his cage but now he wants to be with me and asks to step a lot. I carry him to the window where he tries to climb the curtains which is fine. We sit on the couch a bit but he doesn't seem comfortable there for long. I am not sure what to do with him when he is with me as he won't go to any type of perches away from his cage. when I try to put him back on his cage top he runs up my shoulder or refuses to step down. At least he likes me LOL. He is out all day long when we are home so its not like he is going to be locked up or anything. He is still timid of our home except the living room. I have a PVC gym but he is scared of that too. I have a big cotton boing on order that should be here soon. He likes cotton perches so I am crossing my fingers on that one. In the mean time, I am not sure what to do with him when he is away form the cage. He either seems bored, scared or unimpressed with my efforts, confusing fid LOL. We took a walk today and found a nice maple tree branch that we are going to fashion into a simple gym for the living room. I will be glad when he settles in a bit more and I can take him around the house. I bought a large basket as a portable perch. He looks at it by his cage but that is as far as we have got. :) Patience, patience...:rolleyes:

Anyway, I just wanted to share our breakthrough!

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Hi, everything sounds good, I'm happy for you...Question? "We took a walk today and found a nice maple tree branch that we are going to fashion into a simple gym for the living room."? Is this outside, doe's Tui have a harness, or carry cage?...A grey with clipped wings can still fly! Here's a post that you might be interested in...."Thank you.... It's sad that people don't understand that a bird with clipped wings can indeed fly, especially one with a light clip. If a slight breeze occurs, the bird extends his wings and this creates lift, the next thing the bird does is flap, this creates more lift and forward motion, the next thing you know the bird is up in a tree, he's scared, this leaves a couple of possibility's, he jumps flaps and crashes to the ground, injuring himself, he jumps, catches wind and is blown away, or a predator spots him! Not all "Vets say clip". With a breeze a flat piece of paper fly's, a glider, doe's a better job of it.

Two of our rescues can't fly because they were clipped at pre-fledged! With all our birds flying around, to see the look in their eyes, yes they know what their missing. Please read their story: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...nd-your-Parrot #26, #33, #36....".Thanks Jayd

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Since I pet him, he has been making kissing noises and saying "where's my kisses?" and "scratch?". It's so sweet. I know he is going to be the biggest suck, I am just delighted!


What a huge breakthrough!! Tui sounds like he is turning into to one wonderful grey under you loving care.


Thanks for the update. :)

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We have a travel cage but he's not a fan of it yet since the last time he was in it was when we went to the vet LOL.


You need to leave that travel cage around where he is to get him used to being near it and put him in it and take him out somewhere where he can get some sunshine and make it a fun experience for him, do this several times to condition him that when he gets in the travel cage it doesn't mean a trip to the vet. I have taken my grey out in hers often and she has only used it a couple of times for vet visits so she has had many more happy times in it and she doesn't hesitate to get in it.

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