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Kopi learns something new


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When I saw Jenna's post about using a blanket to get her little one calm to put on the harness, I decided to try again with Kopi and a blanket. He loved playing under the blanket this time. This is a big breakthrough for us. Kopi is young, but traumatized and very very quiet and tense. For him to happily be away from his cage top for an hour is a miracle. I also tried lying down on the sofa rather than sitting in a chair and that made a difference to him. I am guessing he has better traction on a horizontal surface where he felt safe. He even lay on my chest with his legs hanging down under him and stretched his neck across me and slept.

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It seems we have opened the floodgate. Once he decided he likes being on the sofa, he has been sharing an hour with me at a time. Tonight he stood behind me preening my hair, although then he did sound like he was a cat with a furball, LOL. I got a toy that he previously shunned and he was eager to play and then to lay back for head scratches. He just seems like a different bird all of the sudden, he is investigating and playing like a baby. He pinched my ear, stole my glasses and then even scared my by pinching my nose. I just can not believe my good fortune that he is finding it safe to show his personality, finally. It is worth all the quiet time and patience and just waiting and waiting for him to be ready.

head scratch.jpg

sweet boy.jpg

up you go.jpg

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