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I brought home my new grey over a week ago, and I am beginning to think I am living with a particularly nervous grey. I have been trying to give he bird space as well as trying to give him positive reassurance, but nothing seems to be working.


The bird will neither come out of the cage nor will it eat from my hand (even if I do this through the bars of the cage). If I pull the tray out of the bottom of the cage for cleaning, he trashes around inside the cage. If I walk by with something in my hands, he starts trashing around the cage.


Also, when I approach the cage, he will give me a deep growl.


I know this breed of bird is sensitive, but I can't seem to make any headway into my relationship with my new grey.


I am at a loss as to what to do?


Any ideas?

Edited by Strauss
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Indeed, it appears at this point he/she doesn't enjoy you being around. It's only been a short time.. How old is this Grey?, Does he do the same around other people?, To start with, stay calm around him, don't let him sense that your upset, don't carry anything around him or try to hand feed him anything right now. When you go to clean his cage or change his water/food, talk to him, tell him softly wht your doing, sit by him and talk. read, and sing to him with out approaching him..Most of all, don't give up, this could take sometime....When your around him, leave his door open, but sit away from it....

Thanks Jayd

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I bought the bird from a reputable breeder, and I was told he is around 4-5 months old. I have been trying my best with the bird, but he appears uncomfortable with me. The bird seemed a little nervous in the store, but I was assured by the owner that he would adapt quickly.

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Welcome Strauss. What have you named your grey? First of all, I would say, relax. Greys are sensitive to emotions so if you are nervous so will your grey be. Are you and your grey the only two in your home? Where is your grey's cage in contrast to the most active area of the home? A little more background please and maybe we can better help you.

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Hello Strauss and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby grey.

As you have only had this bird for a week that is not nearly long enough for him to settle into his new home and feel comfortable, you may have to take things slowly and by that I mean move slower around him, he is very skittish right now and easily frightened. I am thinking you have never had a grey before or may have no experience with any kind of birds but greys are notorious for being easily spooked and take a long time to feel comfortable in new surroundings.

Take it slower and allow him time to settle in, when you go to pull the bottom tray out tell him what you are doing and say for instance, "loud noise" so he knows to expect something, if you use the same phrase then he will know when you say that there will be some kind of loud noise and he won't be as frightened by it.

If he growls when you approach the cage then step back to where he doesn't and talk to him, read him the newspaper or a magazine, your being closeby give him time to get to know you better so he will come to trust you but you have to earn that trust and if you push him more than he is willing then it will just take longer to accomplish.

Remember a week in the life of a grey is nothing, think of progress in short steps but it could be weeks or months before he trusts you enough to allow you to handle him so be patient. Open his cage door and see if he will come out and if he does then don't approach him right off, let him decide if he will allow you to come closer.

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My new Grey's name is Solomon. When I went to see him at the store he was a bit nervous, but I was assured that he would settle down in 24 hours. I am now finding out that the transition period will be a longer then expected. I already own one bird, a cockatiel, and I have a very positive relationship with him. It took my Cockatiel, whose name is Noah, about a week to settle down when I brought him home over a year ago.


I have been told many different things by many different people regarding the bird, and a lot of that information I received has turned out wrong. For example, I was told by the storeowner that the bird would transition in 24 hours, that I could put him in the same cage as my cockatiel, and I could keep him in a small cage. Luckily, I trusted my best instinct, and I didn't follow that advice.


As far as the transition period goes, I am at a loss as to how long it should take. I understand that every bird is different, but I want to make sure that I will be able to build a positive relationship like the one I have with my cockatiel with my grey.


I have read a lot about he bird prior to purchasing him, but I am now looking into training books/videos. How is Barbara Heidenreich's series of books/DVDs?

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I was told by the storeowner that the bird would transition in 24 hours, that I could put him in the same cage as my cockatiel, and I could keep him in a small cage. Luckily, I trusted my best instinct, and I didn't follow that advice.



Well if this was a breeder who told you this then he is totally wrong, he was just interested in the sale and said what he knew would seal the deal.

It doesn't matter how long it takes for Solomon to feel comfortable enough to trust you, it just matters that you continue to talk to him and be there consistently for he will come to trust and love you when he is ready, it can't be rushed and if you really love him then you will spend the time it takes to build the bond with him.

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Welcome to the forum and congratulations on bringing home your first grey.


A few observations reading your posts. First it seems Solomon was purchased from a pet store, not a breeders home. This raises many things to mind in regards the behaviors you are seeing. That bird has been subjected to many different strangers sticking fingers in the cage, perhaps banging on it, sticking their faces up close to him etc. He has also been transported to that pet shop environment which I am certain is very different to that of the breeders home. Stuck around many different creatures, sights, objects and sounds etc. He was probably terrified most the time. Do not think this is just Grey phobia either. I can not count the times I have seen conures, amazons and macaws stuffed in cages at pet stores and cowering from the morons sticky fingers at them, kids screaming at them etc. Any bird reacts like that to such an environment.


The things that pet shop person told you regarding the care of a grey was completely uneducated and wrong, as you suspected and did well in not following their advice. The most important thing you can do, is just let Solomon come to the realization that he is in a safe place that is calm, loving and not intrusive into his space. It will take more time for him to understand this is not just another hell hole he has been subjected to since leaving the breeders.


I would love to see photos of Solomon and please read the content in all areas of this site to further familiarize yourself with proper interaction, feeding and health. :)

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:)There's a lot of good books on the market, the ones you mentioned are good, the problems with books is there meant for the general public as opposed to the forum which is a Here/Now situation, with real live people who have or are experiencing or have experienced a similar problem as you.:)

As you said, all birds are different, a Grey ,more so, yet very similar to other Grey's, Time is the secret, patience, desire and commitment is the main ingredient to ensuring a happy life for both the care taker and the Grey. There's now set time, we have no concrete knowledge what this baby has been through, so no time limit can be set, improvement can sometimes be seen daily. weekly, monthly or yearly, it's a life time investment, all in all you'll always be his, as he is unto you...... Here's a link that might help start you on you new life, ask question's, read, listen, and you'll learn....Thanks Jayd


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