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Do greys generally dislike change and new things?


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I'm asking because I read countless posts about gradually introducing new things to their greys and how changes in routine, colors, layouts, whatever bother them too.


Maybe it's because my grey is only a baby, but I've never come across that. I move his cage layout around once a month. Perches get rotated and new ones are put in all the time. He gets a new toy every time I go out to buy more food, which is like once every 3 or 4 weeks. He's all about exploring when his cage layout changes. I bring home a new toy and show him, and he's instantly stretching out his neck trying to grab the toy with his beak and reaching out with his foot for the toy.


He doesn't mind new situations at all, they don't phase him. Loud noises he has never heard before (yesterday it was the waves crashing and the ferries), he doesn't mind other animals (pets or wild birds), he doesn't mind going to new places or meeting new people, he doesn't mind loud markets with lots of crowds. Really, the only thing bad reaction I've ever seen him have is to a guitar.


So after reading so much about how neurotic and sensitive greys are, do they grow up to be like that or are they like that as babies too? Or is my bird just accustomed to constant change and lack of routine?

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You said the most applicable thing here---"""""Maybe it's because my grey is only a baby""""

Almost all of the things that you've heard about apply to older( 8 mts to 1 yr) greys. That number can vary though. A baby grey has yet to show what it's natural personality will be like in the future. Many of the things he accepts now may not remain that way in the future simply because a grey's natural personality doesn't come out quickly. As an example, right now, he may not mind that cardboard boxes are around him but one day he may become terrified of them and you'll never know why it happened. That's simply a parrot's mental development kicking in. A grey may accept kids right now but that may change in the future. Never can tell about all these things until the time comes. There's certain things that can be done with a baby grey which will make it easier to do the same things in the future--example, using a harness. I can't begin to tell you about how many people have wrote in feeling either sad or bewildered because their grey has grown up a bit and is acting differently.

So, basically you'll need to see what direction your bird takes as it gets older.

Edited by Dave007
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He's 8months old now. And seems to be getting more and more confident by the day. His personality is definitely starting to show. I think he's more accepting now of everything than when he was younger. I hadn't used the harness since he was about 4months old. Back then he was sooo uncomfortable with it. When I tried yesterday he was grinding his beak, preening around the harness, and even dozed off with it on out in the sunshine.

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I just bet that when your grey gets a little older he will start being more cautious of new things for Josey was the same way when she was a baby grey, I could put a new toy in her cage and she would check it out right off but not anymore, she is 4 years old now and it takes her a while to warm up to something new or different.

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Our greys live with 2 GCCs and 3 Sun Conures that harass them daily. We have massive windows that expose them to all kinds of hawks, finches, quail, and various other birds that fly by the house. They live in a constant state of: "OMFG REALLY?" but we take them into the bedroom for about 5 hours a day where they're unmolested and where they do most of their relaxing.


They've adapted to craziness somewhat, but we still make sure they get many hours of "private time" and that's where they do their relaxing and talking.

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I have had my Ana Grey since she was 4 months old and she is now 2 years old. I believe all greys are different and some are just more relaxed and confident than others. Ana Grey has not gone through the "terrible" twos or shown any fears at all, so far. So enjoy your sweet grey and hope she always has the confidence and trust she has in you and your home.

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As Murphy has gotten older, now 8 months he has shown the fearful side of greys a little more than when he was only 5 months old for example. His fight or flight response is a lot more prominent now. You can see the difference to say an Amazon parrot who are not really bothered about anything.


I think Dave is right about their personality changing as they grow older & becoming more cautious etc.

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The more you change things up and expose baby greys to new things, the chances are greater that they will be somewhat less fearful of new things or moving things around.


All I can say right now, is as my grey ages (3 yr old) he has become increasing alert to something as small as a fly doing a drive-my, strange sounds like the neighbor firing up his weed whacker or me walking in the house with something strange in my hand. I can only assume, it is due to his reaching the point as they do in the wild, of leaving the protection and guidance of their parents to fend for themselves, find a mate and continue the cycle of life.


In the wild, that "Phobia" everyone talks about in greys, is what gives them better odds of survival in Africa, the continent which more predators and animals than anywhere else in the world and they are each looking for their next meal.

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