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"Rescued Greys"


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Hello everyone, what a great resource to have. I recently found 2 greys in need of rescue, they were "on consignment" at a pet store, kept in a rabbit cage, and fed only seed. I am no expert, but I knew I had to rescue these 2 birds. I bought them and took them home. I was told they were a mated pair, about a year old. The Avian Vet did DNA testing for me, and they are both males. They were very well behaved at the vet, relaxed and happy, the Vet was impressed with them. I have been feeding them a variety salad every day, including sweet corn, sweet potatoe, carrots, grapes, cherries, apples, greens of all sorts, broccoli, and anything I can find that is fresh. I also am trying some pelleted foods that the Vet recommended. The birds do not understand how to "step up", and I have trouble getting them back into the cage without using a towel (which they do not mind). they will bite, and the bites are getting worse as time goes by. Any information or books that you might recomend would be appreciated. I also change toys and make foraging toys daily for them, could this be too much change for them?

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Welcome Medicmark!


What a wonderful thing to have done in getting these two greys out of the "System". Based on your description, they are very young at 1 year old, are buddies, not a mated pair as you were told, and basically are clinging to each other for companionship and protection which is normal flock type behavior.


It's also great you took them straight to a vet for checkups.


Just take it slow and easy with them to win over thier trust and once this is accomplished you can move on to step-up training to get the trust even closer. YOu may also want to consider getting cages for them both, rather than keeping in the same cage. This will allow you to have one on one interaction easier and it also makes the training and trust go faster. It will also help resolve the issue of them clinging to one another for support, I hope.


You have made some great changes to their diet already ready and I would recommend you go check out our food room that has tons of information for you.

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What Dan says is true, very true. Thank you for homing these babies, It isn't cruel to keep them in separate cages, in captivity they like this solitude and sercurity of there own territory to retreat to.[the cage]. As Dan said, you can have a one on one relationship with each of them, and they still can coexist... Do what your doing your doing grey't....Jayd and all your friends at the forums.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..

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Welcome Medicmark, so glad to hear you "rescued" these two greys and I too would suggest you get two separate cages for as they get older they will want to each have a cage they can call their own, they can still be together when outside the cages and it will help them bond to you instead of clinging to each other.

Give them some time to settle in and feel comfortable with you and be sure to check out the bird food room for lots of ideas on what to feed and what to avoid.

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Thanks for all the encouragement and great advice. I have named them Kusuku, meaning "grey parrot" in Central African Language, and Fahali which means "strong person" because of the fierce biting. I have to get some good pictures of them to post. One think I have noticed is their coloring has changed, the red tails are much more vivid and the wings are almost black on the ends. Might have something to do with the change in diet, or my bathing discovery...they hated to be sprayed with water, so I found one of those pressure pump sprayers that you can get at gourmet food supply stores. I bring water almost to boiling, fill the sprayer, pump it up, and it gives a very fine warm mist. They don't love it, but they are much happier than with the regular spray bottle.

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Beautiful name's, and I'm glad everything is going grey't..If I may, they should be bathed in cool water, a grey runs a higher body temperature, around 104 degrees normal, they like cool to cold bathes...here's the best bathing info you can find....Jayd




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I would have done the same as you, cant stand to see greys ill treated, sounds like they have found a wonderful home with you and some things will take time but you sound like your doing the right things, just cool the water down a bit lol. its great they are warming to fresh fruits and veggies esp having just been fed seed, the step up will take a little time as said above they are companions and need to accept you too, I used a dowling broom shank, cut down at first and offered a nut with the command of step up', if ozzie went to bite he bit the wood rather than me but fortunatley oz wasnt a big biter and he soon went from wood to hand with a nut, just read the forums they are a wealth of info and there is nothing quite like real life experiences over a book, there is always someone on here that has had similar problems and always several solutions which hopefully you will find one to work for you, if not your experiences help others until you do find a solution :) best of luck and fab different names too!

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