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When will spooky be ready for a cage


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Spooky is still too young for a big cage but maybe you can find something with taller sides to put him in until he is big enough to go into a full size cage. He shouldn't be scared of you handling him as you are handfeeding him aren't you?

I am a little confused as you posted a thread yesterday about this 7 week old baby grey, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190752-My-first-baby-african-grey!-I-have-no-experience-just-faith I am really concerned for this baby as you say you have had no experience but are going on faith, you never answered the questions that were asked of you in that thread.

I would like to shoot all the breeders who sell unweaned birds and especially when they know they are going to someone who has never handfed a baby bird before as so many things can go wrong.

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Ditto to what Judy posted, we only care about you and yours, if you don't wish to reply here or PM me, you can PM Dave007 or Spinner [aka Dave] for wonderful warm help...Please...Jayd

Note: There should be no handling fear....

Edited by Jayd
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Hi, here's a repeat of my post on your other thread could you please reply? Good Morning, What are you feeding this little guy? How much? How offend? Can you tell me what the sweetheart weights? Is he messy? You can PM me if you like, I'm here to give you all the support and offer any help if I can...Jayd

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