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Assistance with introducing a new baby grey


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This is my first time on any forum, so please bear with me as I am unfamiliar with how to navigate.


My question without going into too much detail is how to introduce a new baby AG with an established two year old AG who is very unhappy with the new resident. He is being very aggressive toward her and she is now becoming very nervous with his presence. May I just add their personalities are total opposites. The primary AG has always been highly strung and hyper and the new baby is so steady and gentle.


Any help would be much appreciated.



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icon7.png 2 greys....


:) Keep them separated, for a couple of days, in separate rooms. Then when you reintroduce them, always greet your first Grey first, give him the first food, first toy, first greeting, it's his house, keep them a part so they don't trespass on each others territory...Most of the time, two grey's will coexist, never becoming friends, you really don't want them to bond, then they'll have nothing to do with you...Jayd [copy]

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Hello Hettie and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your two greys, btw what are their names?

Jay is right, the first grey needs to remain the first in everything so he knows his place and things will be a lot smoother for you. Do keep the two separated enough that they aren't able to hurt one another but as time passes I think it will get better. Your primary grey sees this new baby as an intrusion on his territory but if you follow the rules of him always being first then he will gradually learn to at least tolerate the other grey but who knows they may get along later.

At least you see two individual greys from opposite ends of the sprectrum as far as personality goes and therefore you will be exposed to different things with each, my grey is high strung and easily spooked so I know where you are coming from.

Please take a little time to read thru some of the threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We love pictures here so if you have some you would share with us we would love to see the two of them.

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