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Moving in 4 Days


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So, I am going to be moving to a new apartment on the 27th and 28th. I have bought a travel cage and I am leaving it out so that Issac can get used to the idea of his presence. Around tuesday I want to see if he will at least stand on the cage so that on Wednesday, I can try to get him in it. Of course I will put familiar things inside for him to see as well as food and such to make it look as inviting as possible. Hopefully this all goes well.


What I am wondering is if there is any particular course of action I should take stepwise to make the transition as smooth as possible. My plan is to have him out of the rooms where the big heavy moving is going on so he doesn't get scared. They don't seem to like it when large objects are getting moved. So I will roll the cage into my bedroom while I move stuff from the main room into the moving truck. Then it is going to be time for the cage move. I guess I will free him up to fly around my bedroom and have as many familiar things in there as possible to minimize any fear. Move the cage to the truck.


Now will come the time to take my lil guy over to the new place. I surely hope he won;t be trying to flutter about the cage when he is being transported. Once there, I will move him into a room where all the moving activity will not be currently taking place so as to not scare him. Of course constantly checking up on him to make sure he is okay. At this point...I will let him fly around the room I will keep him in while we move and I set up his cage again. Once all the heavy stuff is in. I will return him to his cage.


Looking for any additional ideas so that my baby is not too scared of the change. His new home is going to have more space, but I don;t think that is going to be what is on his mind. I sure hope it all goes okay. If you have had to move with your bird, how did you make the transfer smooth?

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Good luck with your move. Moving is a big job, even without working around birds.


We didn't have our grey yet the last time we moved. We moved the little guys in their cages, once the movers were done at the new house. For the larger birds, with the big cages, we boarded them at a place we trust for the day while all the moving commotion was going on; then we brought them to their new home with the cages all set up and ready, just like they left them. That seemed to go pretty smoothly.

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All sounds good, is there anyway you can take him there a few times before you move? have some things there that he likes...It' also the new smell, color, layout that bothers them......Jayd


I will have something familiar everywhere I take him while I move. Treats and such as well. And if he looks scared, I won't leave his side until he is okay. I think if I can acclimate him to the travel cage this week, then the move will go fine. I am leaving the cage in his view all the time, touching it and telling him that it is good. Trying to get him to come play by it. Then I am going to do a trial run with the cage on Wednesday. I will let you know how that one goes. Crossing fingers.


The move itself isn't too big of a job. The number of things I have has drastically dropped since I have moved like 4 times in the last two years. This place should settle me down for a while though.

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We just recently moved, then stayed with my sister in law for a month, then moved again. I got a bigger than normal travel cage (we were going from Ca to Va) and I put him in it a few times then I took him on short trips in it. I tried to keep his routine the same while in hotels and the car. Then when we got to his sisters house I walked him around to show him the new rooms. His out of cage time wasn't allot there because it was not our house. Then when we got our new place, I did the same thing walked him around. He handled everything better than I thought, although he never use to bite his nails until we moved in to our new place... I have looked into it and they say it is due to nervousness. Now I guess it is a habit because he does it when he is bored too.

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Good luck with your move. I think you have things under control, just remember to calm your mind and try to be as stress free as possible when dealing with your grey. He is still very young and should adapt to the changes well. I hope you both enjoy your new home.

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Thank you all for the words of encouragement. He totally hates the travel cage and won't even get too close to it for the moment. I got him a little closer last night but he flys away like its gonna kill him when he gets too close. When he flew away from home a few weeks back, I was able to easily cart him home in a box with holes in the side. My move is only 2 miles away...so if worse comes to worse...I could take that route.


I have left the cage in sight in hopes that he will grow less and less wary of it. We will see what happens by Saturday. Crossing fingers. I will put some toys in it too to make it more inviting tonight. I will let ya know how that goes.

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Stephen, even if you have to resort to the box to put Issac in for the move you need to get him used to the travel cage, do leave it where he can see it and bring it closer and closer, maybe put a treat inside to entice him and then when he gets to where he will go inside take him out from time to time in it so he will get used to being inside. Take him on outings and to visit other people so he will associate good times with the cage and then maybe he won't protest so much when you have to take him to the vet the next time.

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Stephen, even if you have to resort to the box to put Issac in for the move you need to get him used to the travel cage, do leave it where he can see it and bring it closer and closer, maybe put a treat inside to entice him and then when he gets to where he will go inside take him out from time to time in it so he will get used to being inside. Take him on outings and to visit other people so he will associate good times with the cage and then maybe he won't protest so much when you have to take him to the vet the next time.


Yeah....I know it will take time to acclimate him to the travel cage, it's just a question of whether that will happen in time for the move or not. Long term, yes, he will eventually not see it as a big invader of our space and hopefully enjoy it.

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The new place is bigger...so more fly room for Issac. He seems to be happy flying around and checking things out. I was indeed able to use the travel cage and he was okay with it. I think he like being out so I will have to try it again as a recreational activity. I am torn up and tired from so much moving. But Issac is quite fine and you'd never know any difference in his dimeanor. All is well. Love the new place because it has an 2nd bedroom for my daughter now and she can spend the night. My new RabbitAir air purifier seems to be working well too. Overall...happy.

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