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I clean the Corn Cob everytime i see poop in there i have a litter scoop i get it out with. Ok Ms. Diva has finally found her way out of the cage and she is loving it she hasnt been out of that cage in years so I have been told she is actually sitting on her door top. I have pics i am so proud of my lil girl. i am going to put on my profile if i can remember how do it .. cause i dont know at all how to add it to my post here....

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I clean the Corn Cob everytime i see poop in there i have a litter scoop i get it out with. Ok Ms. Diva has finally found her way out of the cage and she is loving it she hasnt been out of that cage in years so I have been told she is actually sitting on her door top. I have pics i am so proud of my lil girl. i am going to put on my profile if i can remember how do it .. cause i dont know at all how to add it to my post here....



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Ok...I need help. Ms. Diva thinks she needs to keep me awake all night tonight yelling screaming whisling. She has food and water and its not cold in here. I even tried sleeping in the room with her. But she needs to let her momma sleep as long as i am wake talking to her she is fine. I have tried to play music for her. I have turned lights on and off.*CRY* what do i do?

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Oh wow, Teresa. You must really feel like heck today from lack of sleep!


Keep in mind Diva did have an exciting day yesterday, with spending time out of the cage and all. Maybe that got her all keyed up.


Maybe you could check with your friend you got her from to see if this has been a problem in the past and what kind of sleeping arrangements Diva is used to.

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Ok, It's 1:43 PM.. I had about a total of 3 hrs sleep...lol...Ms. Diva, Is Being a Diva let me tell ya. After, that long night lastnight she is being a sweetie pie today. I was sitting in the floor scooping out her tray that catchs all the yucky stuff. She comes down to the bottom of her cage. Looking around checking out what i am doing. I reach over to rub her head and she makes this funny noise and fluffs her faeathers all up. I rub her hand some more and she seems like she is really enjoying this. she starts doing some sorta of courting dance or something. I have my hand in the bottom of the cage and she puts her foot up on my hand and sorta squats down at my had I swear to you i am not lying she is panting like a dog. I thought she was hummm for better words " make love to my hand"...lol I am thinking to myself u dirty lil bird. Then she just steps off. So I cont. to clean and her she comes again. I rub her head again. She does her dance. This time she puts both feet on my hand. I am talking to her telling good girl diva and all this cause I am very excited about it. and she slowly starts walking up my arm and get on my shoulder and starts rubbing her face on my face. Ok now I am sorta scared she might bite my face off or something but I just take it with a smile. She then starts spreading her wings out in my face sorta flapping a little and this whole time she is doing this she is making a whining noise like a puppy. So fter about 2 mins she acts like she is getting a bit scared. So i put my arm over to the cage and off she goes. I right away call the lady who had her before and ask if she has ever had any of this with her up all night her sounding like a panting dog and whinning like a puppy.She starts laughing and said Yes I have heard the whining noise. and then panting. Because, she had some yorkie puppys that was in just a few days/ wks old and Diva kept her up all night whining like a puppy one night hahah she said she would get up and check the pups and the whining would stop as soon as she would go lay back down it would start again. She said she finally got up moved the puppies to a different part of the house so she wouldnt hear them and be able to sleep. and guess what Diva started whining again hahaha like the puppies. Anyways, she a funny bird I tell ya , I am thinking if she wants attention she is going to get it no matter what time of day or night. I hope i get to sleep tonight hahaha or i am sleeping outside.

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When Diva doe's this, she in mating mode, you need to stop what your doing, say thank you and walk a way, she's frustrated, after a while come back. You should only touch Diva on her head for now, she has chosen you for a mate..... Jayd

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Ok, I can't touch her at all now...lol...licks me everytime and does the same thing. I just sorta letting her be for now. It cracks me up. But I don't laugh in front of her. I called the pervious owner again she said she has never been able to touch her like this or her act like she even liked anyone before...lol...I guess i am the choosen one! Great I have a bird trying Breed me. hahahahhahahahaha

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Why Yes....LOL. Cut her sleeping to around 10-10,1/2 hours a day, less sunshine, less misting and bathing, more like winter....Jayd

Going to cut her tails feathers off if she keeps trying to get me to touch them hahahaha jking of course. She is even spitting or something now if i touch her....Grrrrrrr I wanted her to like me but not this well hahaha

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Going to cut her tails feathers off if she keeps trying to get me to touch them hahahaha jking of course. She is even spitting or something now if i touch her....Grrrrrrr I wanted her to like me but not this well hahaha

She's regurgitating, offering you food.....This will past. Jayd

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Ok She is still at this again this morning with wanting me make love to me. I am just going to totally leave her alone today. No touching at all and Thanks for the comments about food I will just add an extra dish of food for her today. I think she is funny but can't continue this behavoir. If she sees me around someone else in the house she starting making all kinds fo noise today. lol Maybe she is saying thats my woman hahaha. Anyways, Will keep you updated. Thanks All.!!!

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Funniest story yet of Ms. Diva. I couldn't not touch her today. After some time I gave in. I know I shouldb't have but geshhhh she so cute. Ok here how its goes . I open the cage door and I am talking to her I said Momma's pretty girl. Was petting her head and she comes out of the cage to the door and is sitting on the top of the door. Mind you if I speak to my husband or anyone one else that she see's she seems to hate it!!!! So , she is sitting there my husband comes through and she talking to me Diva Jumps on me my chest/shoulder area . I am thinking OMG OMG... I pet her say its ok baby its ok... and he making all this noises low sounds like talking but couldn't make it out.I told my husband pls go in the other room u are scaring her. He said that bird is a ************** hahaI think he is jealous hahaha... So he goes out and back on the cage i put her. I do somethings in the room and I go in and talk with him. So, I go down to cook dinner and she is up here calling for me. I am talking back to her from downstairs while cooking. By the way I did forget to say I locked her cage back or thought I did. So I dunno. Its been like 2 hrs and I go in to the bath room. I come out just in time to hear What that blank blank on the stair case. I hurry and the light is off my husband is jumping from step to step I said what are u doing He got the light on and guess what there sat Ms. Diva on the steps. He didn't see her cause of it being dark THANK GOD he didn't step on her. sorta scary i know... anyways...He said Teresa you better get that dang bird right now.lol....When he walked up the steps in the dark she Bit his foot hahahaha....I couldn't help but laugh... When i got to her she started talking up a storm. I couldn't get her to step up on my hand so I had to do something I scoped her up with both hands she was saying some many words like she was telling me something I dunno but it was cute. When i get to the top of the steps I just sat down in the floor talking with her and him. I said do u think she fell down the steps. He said I don't think so. I was trying to look at her to see if she was hurt in anyways seen to eye. So I sat her in the floor and i walked down like 3 steps to see if she would follow and her see come walking down the steps like a big girl. Our steps have carpet. I would go down one she would go down one. and we walked back up one at a time...lol... So my thinkin is since I ignored her while I was busy she was coming to me since I wasnt coming to her. How sweet! She has gave me alll sorts of loving since i picked her up she is no longer trying to breed me I dont think or spit on me. lol I LOVE HER... SHE OWNES ME INSTEAD OF ME OWNING HER.....LOL

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Diva got her 1st mist down today she was not happy let me tell u . She sounded like i was killing her screaming yelling. She has never been misted down before until now. I was reading post and topics and i soaked her but down. Cause she dose have a lot of dry skin. She looks alot funny. I don't think she is to happy with me right now hahaha

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Well, Diva and I are fine shes not mad at me anymore for misting her...lol... I have tought her tickle tickle under her neck..sooooo cute... everytime i get her out or any playing with her i rub under her neck and say tickle tickle and she is now learning tickle tickle everytime i do that... to cute!!!!... so this evening Ms. Diva and I went out for a walk in the yard. She was scared I could tell. I just keep petting her saying its ok baby its ok. She wasn't to bad out there. I do have a question Diva can't fly her wings have been clipped. I was going to tie a twine to her leg just in case but didn't he didnt even offer to take off. I put her on the ground she just found me around. Is the twine not a good idea? I was scared to harm her. I know not to tie it to tight but I am thinking not a good idea?... anyways she seemed to enjoy the fresh air as well as me. thats after getting her to not be scared anymore. She was fine. I brought her back in and she quacked at me like MOM i didnt wanta come back in haha... She's so funny!!!

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Please don't tie anything to her legs or any where else, you can do so much damage!!! A bird with clipped wings can still fly!!!! Please don't take her outside without a harness or a carry-all!!! If a breeze comes up and she flaps, she can lift off, and you could lose her or worst, she could fall and kill herself!!!!

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