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Michael's craft store


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Hi there, everyone -


I was in Michael's (the big chain craft store) recently and they have a ton of items that I know my birds would enjoy, but I worry about them being safe. I am therefore wondering if any of you use items from Michael's and if so, if you know they are safe for sure.


The items in question are the following:



~woven fans

~grape vine wreaths

~"Woodsies" brand wood shapes (pre-cut, come in a bag)

~pom pom balls made of synthetic fibers (come in various sizes from the size of a pea to the size of a cherry)

~unfinished wooden figurines and items (they are for kids to paint and decorate)

~hemp string

~baskets that are unpainted and unvarnished


I realize all of the above items (well, not sure about the pom poms) are included in bird toys, but my question is if the items specifically from Michael's are safe.


Thanks so much to anyone who has already researched this and knows the answer. I have looked on the Internet, talked to employees there, and asked other bird people and so far, have not found the answers.



Edited by >^..^<
forgot one item!
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I have been wondering the exact same thing, as I wandered craft stores for a few hours a week or two ago.

I did make a hoop-type perch using the hemp rope from the craft store. Gumbeaux doesn't chew on it, but I made sure that it did not have an odor (many I found at various stores that day smelled obviously of chemicals).

Short of calling the company, I doubt there is any good way to know for sure (and even then, what are your chances of talking to someone who knows the process the item *actually* undergoes during production.)

I REALLY wanted those grapevine wreaths, but was leery because they were SO inexpensive. In my mind, inexpensive generally means unhealthy- for myself as well as my pets.

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My rule of thumb is to avoid anything I'd question because it's just not worth the consequences.


I've stayed away from anything like baskets, mats, vines or hemp. These things are usually sent from overseas. I just assume that natural materials are fumigated before export. There's no way to know if they've been exposed to molds or chemicals.


Kura got a hold of a "grass" coaster that looked to be uncolored. Within a few minutes she started to sneeze rapidly & violently. So violently she was slamming her head. The worst of this lasted for about 10 minutes & she didn't totally stop for about 20. It was scary & it made me gun-shy.


I've avoided the shells because of possible naturally occurring bacteria. Also, I would be concerned about how & how well they were sanitized. Shells are also porous, so I'm concerned that they might retain scary chemicals.


I do use the untreated wood shapes. Other than that, I usually limit toy material to things that are safe to put in our mouths.

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I do use the untreated wood boxes, Popsicle sticks, and untreated baskets. I ALWAYS stay away from anything made in China as they don't have the stringent regulations we do..( there are so many toys being recalled in the US that were made in China)

Asking the employees, isn't a solution, they don't always know where their products are shipped from.

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Thanks, birdhouse and Talon. I agree - anything from China is suspect. I mean, this is a country that put melamite (spelling?) into their baby formula to save a buck, resulting in the deaths of little babies. If they'll do that to their own countrymen, what will they do to goods that are being produced for export?? Also, remember the pet food scare of only a few years ago? All those dogs and cats that died was because of tainted food from China, and again, if they will put garbage into food, what will they do to other products? It just isn't worth it to me, either. And it's a shame because many of the items that I'd otherwise buy get rejected because I turn the packaging over, look for where it was made, and when I see it was made in China, I don't purchase the item. (Many small toys from the 99 Cents Store that could be incorporated into homemade toys are rejected, for example.)



I had not thought about shells being porous. I stay away from driftwood because it could have absorbed anything on its journey through the waters and so I stay away from it. But I had not thought about shells - but it makes sense. :-(



Thank you both for your answers. I appreciate that you took the time to write! :-)

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