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A few historical videos of Dayo for htose whom have not seen


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It has been a while since posting any new videos...just haven't had the time.


However, we have many new members now, do I thought I would share share a few of the best (I think).


I am starting to work from home full-time now and am sure happy to being allowed to do so. That 5 days a week in San Jose was getting rough after 6 years.


So now in between calls, emails and programming, I'll have time to get some new ones.


But, here are a few I thought some might enjoy.:


Dayo having a little fun with what I call his "Boing" because he bounces and thrashes on top of it. It also shows the advantage of flight in situations when they accidentally take a fall: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/9/Ar-YwabZYxw


Teaching your Grey useful things that make them feel like the are "Helping Out" the flock is good for them and gives them a feeling of accomplishment.


Dayo opens a cage door: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/13/nxsIbjhq_dQ


Dayo learning how to turn the water off initially. Now he scrambles to get over to shut it off if someone turns it on. He loves the praise: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/28/4xqyUlth5N4


The problem of them knowing how to turn water on and off: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/23/TQgqmc72NBo



Dayo ensuring the dogs it's ok:


Dayo and Jake discussing how it is Jakes cage.....NOT!: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/25/FnSa5Iu3ink


Dayo loves music and dancing, as yours will too if you introduce them to those concepts: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/4/l5p9U710ab8


After a hard day of rocking out, chasing Jake and assuring all is well, Dayo enjoys blanky time with his cuddle muffin.... my wife of course: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/22/RSgmTM7AkEY

Edited by danmcq
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Great videos, Dan. Dayo is a real character! Love the different scenarios and you really gave us all a good glimpse into a day in the life of Dayo. Thanks much!

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Thanks Dan. It is sure a pleasure to watch Dayo and Jake. It gives me something to aspire toward as Kopi is ever so slowly getting acclimated and coming out of his tense lockdown stance. I am confident that someday he will take over his kingdom and rule the household. I will keep showing him Dayo's videos.

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I am glad they were enjoyed.


One thing all need to remember, is that any ones video's are just a few minute glimpses of their amazing intelligence and all miss most of the true cognitive interactions that occur with their owners that will never be caught on tape because, your engaged in meaningful talk or activities with your grey or other parrot species and the camera is not rolling. :)

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